Thursday, October 27, 2011

Proposal: You may have pseudo factions, but do you have meta factions?

2-21-2 is enough that it could not be enacted sans CoV so this proposal fails.

Adminned at 28 Oct 2011 23:42:25 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset, named “You think”:

In this chaotic time, Players feel the need to bring order in their life, finding some firm points to build on. That’s the why all Players have (also “are a Followers of”, “Follow”) exactly one Philosophy, that defaults at Sensualism. The only valid values of a Player’s Philosophy are those listed as titles of the subrules to this Rule. As a daily action any Player may change their own Philosophy by spending 1 SP.

Create a new Subrule to that rule, called “Sensualism”:

The Followers of Sensualism live an happy life. Whenever a Dynastic Proposal they authored is enacted, they gain 1 SP for every 3 Open Proposals at that time.

Create a new Subrule to rule “You Think”, called “Platonism”:

The Followers of Platonism have three additional values (the Parts) to keep track of: Appetite, Rations and Spirit. The sum of a Player’s Parts may not be lower than 9.
When a Player becomes a Follower of Platonism they shall set them to 5 Appetite, 1 Rations and 3 Spirit. Whenever they gain points in Appetite or Spirit, they lose as many Ration point, and whenever the Sum of the Parts exceeds 12, they shall spend as many points (one by one) in any of the Parts until the sum drops below 10. If the Sum of the Parts has been higher than 9 for more than 23 consecutive hours, they lose ebough Rations to make the Sum become 9. If they have not enough, they become Sensualist. When any Part of a Platonism Follower’s becomes zero, they start Following Sensualism.
Whenever a Follower of Platonism has a Dynastic Proposal they authored Failed, they gain 1 Spirit, for pursuing honour and glory rather than Good.
Whenever a Follower of Platonism comments on a Dynastic Proposal using a Voting icon, and they already commented on that Proposal using another, they gain one Appetite, for being impatient and not thinking properly the first time. They may only gain 1 Appetite per Proposal this way.
Whenever a Follower of Platonism has a Dynastic Proposal they authored Enacted, and they were Followers of Platonism when they posted it, they gain 1 Ration, for using Philosophy for the Good of the Republic.
As a daily action a Follower of Platonism that has exactly 1 Ration may Step Out of that Cave by spending 1 SP to gain 1 Ration.
When adminning Proposals, all Against votes from Platonism Followers must be counted as the number of Rations that Follower had when voting, if that number is included in the EVC.

If the Proposal “Employment” has passed, add to the bottom of that subrule:

Employees may not Vote on Dynastic Proposals that were posted by Platonism Followers, and shall not be counted in the subset of artists that forms Quorum. Platonism Followers should title their Proposal beginning with “Elite:”.
Employees may not become Followers of Platonism. If a Follower of Platonism becomes an Employee, they become Followers of Stakhanovism, if such a Philosophy is legal, otherwise they start Following Sensualism.

Only two Powers to start with.
In my mind some philosophies would go well with an individualistic play, while others would favour more cooperative gameplay. If we still have so many players in a while, we could also accept small group victories. :)
This might be badly worded, I’ll be happy of all the costructive criticism.


Prince Anduril:

27-10-2011 16:09:48 UTC



27-10-2011 16:09:48 UTC

I like this.  However, I do believe that 1 SP per 3 open proposals might be a bit much (that would be 4 SP right now).  For that reason, I must vote imperial  Also “artist” should be “Player” in that last section.

arthexis: he/him

27-10-2011 16:11:33 UTC

against I find it too complicated


27-10-2011 16:14:09 UTC

against because it encourages elitism (never a good thing in a nomic)

Kevan: he/him

27-10-2011 16:14:48 UTC

against Over-elaborate with no clear connection to the “stimulus packages and employment and occupation” theme that’s emerging.


27-10-2011 16:16:18 UTC

against Interesting concept but far to complicated.


27-10-2011 16:18:27 UTC

The whole Appendix contains the word Artist instead of Player, and I copied pasted from the Quorum definition.
Good point. Maybe making it depend on player count? I did so to make Sensualism appealing now that the Proposal flow is good, and less and less useful as soon as the game slows down.
What about 1 SP plus 1 every 4 Proposals, but no more than 3?

SingularByte: he/him

27-10-2011 16:18:46 UTC



27-10-2011 16:20:41 UTC

It’s complicated if you feel Platonic. Most of the tim you could just not care. And this is a meta Dynsty, so we don’t need a strong theme, in my humble opinion.


27-10-2011 16:22:01 UTC

Just to know. Are you voting against Platonism or against the whole concept? My hands slipped while writing “a couple of simple exemples” :P

Josh: he/they

27-10-2011 16:27:48 UTC

for  for  for

I enjoy this proposal a lot.


27-10-2011 16:29:20 UTC

“Employees ... shall not be counted in the subset of artists that forms Quorum”
This is badly flawed. I won’t Self kill since I do not want to lose a SP. Please vote AGAINST this, but tell me if you’d vote FOR in case Platonism was removed/simplified and the bug fixed. Thank you.


27-10-2011 16:30:17 UTC

“an happy”
I’ll never re-read a Proposal enough.

arthexis: he/him

27-10-2011 16:42:22 UTC

I would prefer to see more proposals using the existing elements rather than just creating more and more elements. If “Employers” passes we would already have some kind of faction-like theme. Also I would like to see proposals that handle SP as a think you are given and/or taken away, rather than something you can spend directly.

ais523: Custodian

27-10-2011 16:58:04 UTC

against The quorum thing here is a scam, as it doesn’t remove existing votes by Employees.


27-10-2011 17:01:17 UTC

1) As the title says, this was born as an experiment of mixing two (three) very different factions mechanics. I still think that’s a cool concept.
2) SP economy is something hard to predict, but I think we need producers and consumers as well as traders, and at this point every new player would bring 3 SP into the economy and every s/k would take away 1. This means VERY slow deflaction that would bring some careless players to become Employees of the faster players, that could hoard SP’s from fallimentary players. It would take a long time. That’s static, and I do not like it. Everybody should get a chance. Having only 3-4 Players with SP Power is more elitary than having a few players without voting Power on a few Proposals.


27-10-2011 17:03:24 UTC

[ais] Good catch, 2 scams in a sentence is quite cool.


27-10-2011 17:30:37 UTC

against I like the flavour to a degree, but it doesn’t seem to be a clear vision in this form, and it looks like there’s scams.

Brendan: he/him

27-10-2011 17:48:04 UTC


Clucky: he/him

27-10-2011 18:12:42 UTC

“become Sensualist” is undefined.

> When adminning Proposals, all Against votes from Platonism Followers must be counted as the number of Rations that Follower had when voting, if that number is included in the EVC.

Breaks the game. A proposal can legally have quorom of FOR and AGAINST votes.

Clucky: he/him

27-10-2011 18:12:52 UTC



27-10-2011 18:24:15 UTC

ELy: to some extent, i’ve voting against Platonism - that should be a separate proposal at best. I would also say the wording needs to be tightened up. From what I understand, I like the basic concept, but I can’t really evaluate the proposal itself at this point.


27-10-2011 18:45:41 UTC



27-10-2011 19:54:49 UTC

Well I’m not native English speaker (as you could easily guess) nor an experienced Nomicker so I usually expect at least 2 iterations for my proposals to pass, if they do at all. I still post them as Proposals since that’s the best way I’ve found to get serious and abundant feedback about them. But I see how it can be annoying.
Then I have this tendence to make huge comprehensive universal proposals that for some reason always fail. :)


27-10-2011 21:17:54 UTC

against Too complicated, and also certain mechanisms are (heh) too platonic. Any variable that’s tracked in the GNDT shouldn’t change unless there’s someone changing it, who can therefore update the GNDT at the same time.


27-10-2011 21:47:48 UTC



27-10-2011 22:09:25 UTC

[pavitra] I adressed this in a previous version, then changed it back. The new version should be ok.


27-10-2011 22:28:01 UTC



27-10-2011 23:12:06 UTC

imperial Good idea but makes it too easy for scams.

Darknight: he/him

27-10-2011 23:58:28 UTC



28-10-2011 03:06:11 UTC



28-10-2011 10:46:50 UTC



28-10-2011 18:39:46 UTC


redtara: they/them

28-10-2011 21:23:39 UTC



28-10-2011 23:15:10 UTC

against per Kevan


28-10-2011 23:32:10 UTC

against Way too complicated.


29-10-2011 05:53:25 UTC

against especially platonism