Proposal: You mean THEY’VE been controlling US?!
Hit 48 hours and failed, 3-4. Brendan
Adminned at 07 Jul 2007 01:04:46 UTC
Add the following to the end of rule 2.7, Daemons:
Whenever a Corporation summons a Daemon, there is a chance of 10%, plus 2% for every Daemon in play in any Corporation - i.e. a result of that value or lower on a DICE100 roll in the GNDT - that they might summon Satan instead.
Add the following rule, entitled Daemonism:
Corporations that have inadvertently summoned Satan become effectively ruled by him, and are considered to be Daemonic Corporations. This is noted by the addition of ‘Satan’ to the Corporation’s Daemons field in the GNDT. Daemonic Corporations consume 1 Soul, in addition any other outlays they may have to make, every time Time is advanced (and must, therefore, always allocate enough production to souls to ensure that their total is maintained). However, they receive the “Wages of Sin”, in the form of $10M whenever Time is advanced.
The aim of all Daemonic Corporations is to capture as many other Corporations as subsidiaries as possible. To this end, they have the ability to Asset-Strip Subsidiary Corporations, selling factories and offices for $5M apiece, which is added to the subsidiary Corporation’s total. They may also transfer any amount of money from any of their Subsidiary Corporations, to themselves, provided that they leave the Subsidiary Corporation with a legal amount of money, at a cost of 1 Soul.
Daemonic Corporations may not declare victory. The last Corporation that is not the Government to be neither Daemonic nor a subsidiary of a Daemonic Corporation may declare victory. If a Daemonic Corporation ever has insufficient Souls to meet their upkeep, they cease to be Daemonic; however, they may never voluntarily commit an act that would leave them with less than 3 Souls. If a Daemonic Corporation ceases to be Daemonic, all of its Subsidiaries cease to be Subsidiaries and become free to pursue their own leadership again.
I’m sure there most be at least one loophole in here, but I can’t find it. I’m sure you guys won’t disappoint me though.
Kevan: he/him