Call for Judgment: You must gather your party before venturing forth
Passed with quorum, but no effect. - Jack
Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 17:12:24 UTC
Several captains disagreed whether or not Proposal: This is really hard would actually work as written, since it doesn’t amend the ruleset in any way. Partly because of this discussion, Jack did not actually create the NPC while enacting the proposal.
I feel it’s important to set a precedent for this sort of thing, and since I also don’t agree with the other factor in Jack’s reasoning “Since ‘The Man of the Hour’ is likely to be passed anyway, I won’t bother doing anything with this”, I decided to post this Call for Judgment.
As non-captain Josh noted in the comments of the proposal in question, ‘rule 1.3 says quite explicitly that “Any Captain may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate‒ (his emphasis). My proposal was therefore completely functional, seeing that it proposes to alter the GNDT (which is part of the gamestate).
If this Call for Judgment passes, create the NPC described in the aforementioned proposal.