Proposal: You Shall Not Pass
Timed out, 3-1 with Monarchple DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 19:59:03 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Gates”:
Each Major Island has a Gate. Gates are the Positions numbered 100, 200, and 300, and 399. Gates may be Open or Closed, defaulting to Closed; this is publicly tracked. A Token may not pass a Gate unless that Gate is Open; if a Token’s Position would be set from a value less than or equal to a Closed Gate to a value higher than a Closed Gate, it is instead set to that Closed Gate. Gates may be referred to by the Major Island they are in (e.g. the Island of Kittens Gate).
If a Meeple has one or more of their Tokens on a Closed Gate and that Meeple is Worthy of that Gate, then they may treat that Gate as if it were Open. They may also choose to, as a Phase 10 Turn Action, become the Royal of the Major Island that Gate is on and set the Positions of all their Tokens who are on that Major Island to the square with the lowest value on that Major Island.
As a Phase 10 Turn Action, the Royal of a Major Island may set the Gate of that Major Island to be Open or Closed, if the current Rounds is divisible by 3. If they feel like it, they are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when they do so.
If the Proposal “Herding Cats” passed, append the following paragraph to the Local Rule of the Island of Kittens:
A Meeple is Worthy of the Island of Kittens Gate if their Tokens that are on the Gate have at least 4 combined Kittens. As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Token may set its own position to 90 if it is on the Island of Kittens Gate.
If the Proposal “Know When to Hold Em” passed, then in the Local Rule of Kahuna replace the sentence that begins “If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand” with:
If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, then as a Phase 10 Turn Action that Meeple may set the Royal Hand to their Hand. If a Meeple has ever performed this action, they are Worthy of the Kahuna Gate.
A final challenge to get through on each island before you’re allowed to pass. If you want, you can instead become the Royal, which gives you control over the gate at the cost of your progress (but if you choose to keep the gate closed, someone might usurp your throne, while keeping it open keeps your subjects happy and your crown secure).
JonathanDark: he/him
Are you intending this to replace the method of becoming a Royal for each island, so that each island’s “winning” status should be linked to being Worthy of the respective Gate?