Friday, January 11, 2008

Proposal: You yellow bastard…

Reached Quorum 7-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 12 Jan 2008 16:55:35 UTC

Part 1:

Add a new dynastic rule, entitled “Courage”, as follows:

There is a statistic for each Player, tracked in the GNDT, called “Courage”.  The permitted values of “Courage” are “-” and “Yellow”.  All Players initially begin with a Courage of “-”.  A Player who has a Courage statistic of “Yellow” may be described as a “Yellow Player”, and any reference in the ruleset to a Player becoming Yellow or ceasing to be Yellow refer to appropriately setting the Player’s Courage statistic.
If a Player is Yellow, then he may not Raise in a Poker game unless the Player has drunk a drink per the rule “Drinking” within the last hour.  If a Player is Yellow, is for any reason unable to drink a drink, and is in a situation in a Poker game where the Player must either Raise or Fold, then the Player automatically folds.  A Yellow player is also automatically considered to have a lower Quick Draw in any Shootout in which he participates.
A Yellow Player ceases to be Yellow if: (1) he wins a hand of Poker (i.e., wins The Pot), or (2) Wounds another Player in a Shootout.


Part 2:

Rewrite the second paragraph of the rule “Gunslinging” (which currently reads):

As a Weekly action, any Player may challenge any other Player to a Shootout by making a post to the main blog to that effect. Upon making the challenge, the Shootout occurs. A Shootout proceeds as follows: The Quick Draw statistics of both Players participating in the Shootout are determined (which may include rolling their DICEROLL if that value has not been previously determined in connection with an earlier Shootout). The Player with the higher Quick Draw then acts first by rolling DICE2: if the result of the roll is 1 then the other Player becomes Wounded and the Shootout ends. If the result of the roll is 2 then the other Player rolls DICE2, whereupon if the result of the roll is 1 then the first Player becomes Wounded and the Shootout ends, but if the result of the roll is 2 then the Shootout ends without either Player becoming Wounded.

so that it reads:

As a Weekly action, any Player may challenge any other Player to a Shootout by making a post to the main blog to that effect. Upon making the challenge, the challenged Player must, within 72 hours, post a comment to that post that states either “I accept” or “I run away”.  The challenged Player may not take any Poker game action (Check, Call, Raise) other than “Fold” until the challenged Player either posts such a comment or the 72 hour period elapses.  If the challenged Player accepts then the Shootout occurs. A Shootout proceeds as follows: The Quick Draw statistics of both Players participating in the Shootout are determined (which may include rolling their DICEROLL if that value has not been previously determined in connection with an earlier Shootout). The Player with the higher Quick Draw then acts first by rolling DICE2: if the result of the roll is 1 then the other Player becomes Wounded and the Shootout ends. If the result of the roll is 2 then the other Player rolls DICE2, whereupon if the result of the roll is 1 then the first Player becomes Wounded and the Shootout ends, but if the result of the roll is 2 then the Shootout ends without either Player becoming Wounded.  If the challenged Player states that he runs away or if the challenged Player fails to post a comment to that post by that deadline, then the Shootout does not occur but the challenged Player becomes Yellow.





11-01-2008 13:25:55 UTC

What about wounded players not being able to participate in shootouts?


11-01-2008 14:57:09 UTC

for though yoda’s concern makes sense. might even be a cowardly act to shoot a wounded person.


11-01-2008 14:57:41 UTC

unless the wounded person called the shootout of course


11-01-2008 15:02:51 UTC

A way to patch that is to make a proposal that “If ‘Don’t Shoot!’ passes, and ‘You yellow bastard…’ subsequently passes, then after adminning ‘You yellow bastard…’, re-admin ‘Don’t Shoot!’”.  I’d propose this myself, but I want to keep a proposal slot open—I have an idea for proposing effects for certain drinks…


11-01-2008 17:23:58 UTC

It’s a little convoluted, but I think it has the potential for some interesting effects.  Plus, I kinda like convoluted.  Makes me feel smart for figuring it out.


11-01-2008 21:10:37 UTC



11-01-2008 23:05:57 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

12-01-2008 04:59:20 UTC



12-01-2008 18:05:17 UTC

This lessen the likelihood of a repeat of what happened to Amnistar getting shot out of his seat after going all in.


12-01-2008 20:54:05 UTC
