Proposal: zone rule edits
Hits quorum and passes 9-0. RT
Adminned at 05 Oct 2021 03:49:01 UTC
Edit the Zone Rule in Logistics into the following:
Priority Personnel: Any Movement proposal authored by a Citizen occupying this Zone at the time of its posting may name one or more other Citizens in its commentary field; if it does then only those named Citizens have their EVCs considered when changing Floors as a result of that Proposal’s Enactment.
Reword the Zone Rule “Breach” into the following:
Breach: Citizens who occupy this Zone automatically gain a Heat Signature, which lasts even after they cease to occupy it. Whether or not a Citizen has a Heat Signature is publicly tracked.
In the rule “Breaker Access”, make the text “A Proposal which would modify the status of any Currents and/or their Breakers if enacted is Unpopular if any Citizen is both occupying this Zone and has a valid Vote of AGAINST on that Proposal.” into a Zone Rule named “Switch Control:”.
There go my dreams of wielding my heat signature like the paintbrush tool in MSPaint. :P