Saturday, November 12, 2022

Proposal: Zzz

Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Nov 2022 10:51:14 UTC

Remove “New Visitors start with “Z” as their stamp collection - they are immediately awarded a Z stamp upon becoming a Visitor.” from the ruleset.

Replace “as a text string” with “as a text string (or empty string)”.

Remove all Z Stamps from Visitors.

Seems like we don’t need to track a default Stamp that everyone starts with and which can never be removed (and which some people are forgetting to track, with the Proprietor sounding uninterested in fixing oversights).


Josh: he/they

12-11-2022 10:59:45 UTC



12-11-2022 18:02:13 UTC

The actual issue behind the notive is that some Groups aren’t adding their new Visitors to the Stamps table at all.


12-11-2022 18:51:12 UTC

against as the final sentence is ineffective, so this proposal’s actual effect is to leave some Visitors with a stamp they didn’t do anything to earn but that new Visitors can’t obtain.

Josh: he/they

12-11-2022 19:10:49 UTC

I don’t agree that the last clause is ineffective; once the rule text that defines Z-stamps is repealed, three tracked marks are no longer Z-stamps, as those don’t exist. They can at that stage be removed by anybody without the clause being present in this proposal just as a matter of gamestate cleanup but it doesn’t hurt to have the line in here as a reminder for the enacting admin.

Josh: he/they

12-11-2022 19:11:08 UTC

*three -> these


12-11-2022 20:58:32 UTC

They’re still defined. They are stamps. They are in collections. They have the Z letter, which is currently the default letter associated with stamps, associated with them as allowed by the ruletext defining stamps.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-11-2022 22:03:46 UTC

imperial If Bucky is tired of tracking default stamps, he can raise the Proposal he needs. Otherwise, I don’t care either way.

Kevan: he/him

13-11-2022 08:39:46 UTC

[Jonathan] The act of awarding a Z stamp isn’t performed by any particular player, it happens automatically when the Visitor is created - so, implicitly, it should really be noted by the creating player. But if people are forgetting and it’s adding no additional information to the game (as it applies to all Visitors), maybe we should drop it.

Darknight: he/him

13-11-2022 13:20:25 UTC
