Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Proposal: 3 Witch, 3 Furious

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Jul 2021 10:32:59 UTC

If Proposal: Which Witch is Which and/or Proposal: Witches Get Stiches have been enacted, revert their effects.

In the rule Richardo’s Journey, change

Witching Hour is a publicly tracked date and time. When Richardo von Nestor or a Vampire Lord Winds the Clock, they take the current time, add 24 hours, roll a DICE24 and add the resulting number in hours, and that becomes the new Witching Hour. Whenever the Crypt Settles, Richardo von Nestor Winds the Clock. If the current time is after Witching Hour, the Organ is Playing. Otherwise the Organ is not Playing. While the Organ is Playing, no Power Actions may be performed.

to read as follows, ensuring that italic formatting is preserved:

If no Enter the Crypt action has taken place since 10am on 27 July 2021, the second paragraph of this rule is ruletext and the text in italics is flavour text. Otherwise, the second paragraph of this rule is flavour text, and any Vampire Lord may de-italicise any text in this rule that is italic and remove the first two paragraphs of this rule from the ruleset.

Witching Hour is a publicly tracked date and time. When Richardo von Nestor or a Vampire Lord Winds the Clock, they take the current time, add 24 hours, roll a DICE24 and add the resulting number in hours, and that becomes the new Witching Hour. Whenever the Crypt Settles, Richardo von Nestor Winds the Clock. If the current time is after Witching Hour, the Organ is Playing. Otherwise the Organ is not Playing. While the Organ is Playing, no Power Actions may be performed.

Witching Hour is a date and time that is privately tracked by Richardo von Nestor.

There is a variable called the Organ, which may be Playing or Not Playing, and which defaults to Not Playing. While the Organ is Playing, no Power Actions may be performed.

When Richardo von Nestor Winds the Clock, select a random time between 16:00 UTC and 23:00 UTC and a random number of days between 1 and 3; he added the number of days selected to the current date, which, combined with the selected time, becomes the new Witching Hour.

If the current time is after Witching Hour, Richardo von Nestor may set the Organ is Playing. Whenever the Crypt Settles, Richardo von Nestor sets the Organ to Not Playing and Winds the Clock.

As a Power Action with a cost of 0, a Vampire Lord may Observe the Mansion. When a Vampire Lord Observes the Manion they must spend between 1 and 3 Puissance and then privately notify Richardo von Nestor of their Observing the Manion action. When Richardo von Nestor is notified of a Vampire Lord’s Observing the Mansion Action, he must respond based on how much Puissance the Vampire Lord spent carrying that Action out; if 1 Puissance was spent he should provide the time but not the day on which Witching Hour occurs; if 2 Puissance was spent he should provide the day but not the time on which Witching Hour occurs; if 3 Puissance was spent he should give the exact date and time of Witching Hour.

A reproposal of Which Witch, except the range is restricted to the main hours of activity on the blog: 4pm to 11pm UTC.


Clucky: he/him

27-07-2021 14:59:32 UTC

14:00 (7 AM) is a bit early for me. Even 15:00 I’m not always up and around by. and with it being the start of when runs could occur, feels like a potential concern (as the harm in making your moves too soon is someone can counter them. the harm in making your moves too late is you don’t do anything)

also the more I think about it, the more I worry how healthy secret random gametime will be for gameplay.

optimal gameplay would require being online constantly, getting alerted whenever someone edits the wiki page so that you can respond as needed, minimizing the window during which you could no longer respond as much as possible. that doesn’t seem like healthy gameplay to me. I’d honestly rather just go back to the “you have 12 hours to respond to any more” approach

Josh: Mastermind he/they

27-07-2021 15:40:26 UTC

Thanks for the time note - 1600-2300 is a pretty small window but I suppose it is what it is.

Playing something optimally is rarely healthy, and I don’t think we can build a ruleset that is immune to people self-destructively maximising their winning chances. I think we just have to count on people being able to make their own good choices.

Brendan: he/him

28-07-2021 00:22:05 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

28-07-2021 07:39:42 UTC

against the hours starts from 24 to 7 for me, and I honestly can’t be online this often.

Kevan: he/him

28-07-2021 08:31:21 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

28-07-2021 08:40:05 UTC

against per chiiika.

Lulu: she/her

28-07-2021 09:35:02 UTC
