Saturday, August 19, 2006

Proposal: A Dictionary of Equivalence

Timed out 3-3.—Kevan

Adminned at 20 Aug 2006 19:22:44 UTC

Add a new rule, “The Rule Of Many A Word That Is In Code” with the following text:

During this dynasty, any two phrases in this rule connected by an equals sign are equivalent in proposal text.

*“Arbiter” = “King of Time”
*“Traveller” = “One Who Does Take A Time Trip”
*“Dynasty” = “Age”
*“Proposal” = “Prop”
*“Timeline” = “Time Line” = “Line of Time”
*“Continuum” = “Con tin you.. um?”
*“Swirl” = “Mix”
*“Ruleset” = “Rule Set”
*“Influence” = “Pow!”
*“Range” = “How Far You Can Go”
*“Node Event” = “Node Item”
*“Warp of Necessity” = “Warp That I Need”
*“Warp of Sufficiency” = “Warp That Will Do”
*“Death Event” = “Kill Item”
*“Anomalous” = “Whuh?”
*“Perilous” = “Uh-oh.”
*“Elias IX” = “E. IX”
*“Bucky” = “Buck”
*“Chronos Phaenon” = “Chro” = “Phae”
*“Corlindale” = “Corl” = “Dale”
*“Epylar” = “Epy” = “Epyl”
*“Kevan” = “Kev”
*“Rodney” = “Rod”
*“ShadowClaw” = “Claw”
*“Tesla4D” = “4D” = “Tes”
*“The Lone Amigo” = “TLA”
*“Thelonious” = “Thel”



19-08-2006 20:24:50 UTC

for if E. IX does mean to make a redo of the Prop that does make the use of a word with more than four of A, B, C, etc. in a Prop not able to be done by a One Who Does Take A Time Trip with too late a TL (else, I will VETO).


19-08-2006 23:34:55 UTC

against for reasons mentioned in the next post.


19-08-2006 23:39:29 UTC

You may not edit this post once Hix made his vote.  Thus, you did not edit it.


19-08-2006 23:55:10 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-08-2006 04:16:21 UTC

against No idea whether to believe Bucky about the timing, but take this as a vote against the four-letter thing. It might be fun at the start of a new Dynasty, but not halfway through an existingly verbose one.


20-08-2006 15:21:56 UTC

This post has not been edited since I voted.


20-08-2006 19:56:18 UTC
