Sunday, June 05, 2011

Proposal: A few fixes

Reached a quorum 9-1.—Yoda

Adminned at 06 Jun 2011 18:41:06 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the first paragraph of the rule “Farmland”:

One Zombie and one Crop may share the same Square.  If a zombie and a crop are in the same square, this may be denoted by a “/” between the corresponding characters.  If any action would cause 2 Zombies to be in the same Square, that action is negated.

Replace “replace the contents of one of the Squares in their Plot with a copy of the Seed” in the rule “Planting” with “replace the contents of one of the Squares in their Plot (not including any Zombie that is in that Square) with a copy of the Seed”.

Undo any Planting actions since this proposal was made that resulted in a Seed replacing the contents of a Square which already contained a Zombie.

I just realized there is a scam which allows a Farmer to Plant a Seed on top of a Zombie and destroy said Zombie due to the fact that “replace the contents” can mean zombies as well.



05-06-2011 21:44:26 UTC

against Z’s should be able to share squares.


05-06-2011 22:17:13 UTC

I just thought it would already be cramped with 2 thing in a Square, much less 3 or more.  If you want to allow 2+ zombies in a square, you’re free to make your own proposal.  This fixes a game-breaking bug.


05-06-2011 22:25:03 UTC



05-06-2011 23:23:38 UTC



05-06-2011 23:25:57 UTC


:( :( :(
I noticed that scam pretty quickly, but was keeping it in reserve for emergencies, or for some sort of abusive victory condition.


05-06-2011 23:29:57 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

06-06-2011 05:08:31 UTC



06-06-2011 07:27:00 UTC

for Although I don’t like the specific formulation, the notion is valid.


06-06-2011 07:40:27 UTC

aguy I think most of the Farmers were doing so… :P
for CoV


06-06-2011 19:57:23 UTC

for Although I can’t find a rule saying that zombies’ locations are denoted by numerals.


06-06-2011 23:46:44 UTC

Ely: Why would they bother? Easier to just kill them normally.

Well, the only hole left I can think of is discounted wood:

Planting Cabbages on top of each other yields 20 wood for 10 sun instead of requiring 15 sun as is the case with deadwood.  Purplebeard was cheated :P