Proposal: A Grim Victory
Unpopular 1-3 with a Quorum opposed. -Bucky
Adminned at 06 Oct 2022 21:38:17 UTC
If the player named Bucky voted against this proposal, it has no effect.
If passed, this proposal has no effect.
Create a new rule with the following name: Achieving Victory. It’s text is to be as follows:
At any time, a Baron may do the following atomic action called “Flipping the Coin” as long as it has not already been done so:
*Rolling DICE2 in the Dice Roller
If the atomic action Flipping the Coin as been done, it’s result is publicly tracked.
If the result of Flipping the Coin is 1, the player named Bucky has achieved victory.
If the result of Flipping the Coin is 2, the player named Trapdoorspyder has achieved victory.
An alternative if people really don’t want a metadynasty.
I think this violates the spirit of the Mantle Limitations rule, even if not the text.