Thursday, June 02, 2022

Proposal: A Hill to Die On

Timed out 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Jun 2022 17:29:37 UTC

Remove “At any time, any Guardian may spend 10 Money to buy x Insurance, where x is the name of a Fate.” from the rule “Insurance”.

In “Foreign Commerce”, replace “When a Guardian owns a building in a region with an Embassy or is the Baron of a region with an Embassy, they may, at any time, select one such Embassy and use it to Conduct Foreign Commerce:” with:-

Conducting Foreign Commerce with an Embassy is an atomic action with the following steps:

After the “Optionally perform a Promenade” bullet point in the “Declaring” rule, add:-

* Optionally Conduct Foreign Commerce any number of times with any number of Embassies in Regions where the Guardian owns a Building or owns the Deed
* Optionally buy Insurance for any number of Fates, paying 10 Money for each Insurance bought

Bringing Insurance and Foreign Commerce onto the turn-based clock.



03-06-2022 05:30:46 UTC


Josh: he/they

03-06-2022 09:41:13 UTC

against I don’t need another chunk of ruleset disappearing into a bucket I can only access once every fourteen days; commerce and insurance aren’t *exciting* bit at least they’re something to think about

Kevan: he/him

03-06-2022 09:49:48 UTC

The queue is not taking fourteen days.

Josh: he/they

03-06-2022 09:53:34 UTC

Not the point.

Josh: he/they

03-06-2022 09:56:04 UTC

Although this round has slowed down very considerably; my last move was 4 days ago, in that time three people have taken turns; there’s at least seven, and likely many more, turns that have to be taken before my next move. It will likely have been at least a week, and possibly longer, by the time I take my next move.

Darknight: he/him

03-06-2022 11:58:11 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

03-06-2022 16:11:09 UTC


Kevan: he/him

03-06-2022 18:05:16 UTC

[Josh] If the queue’s too slow I’d rather we worked on ways to get it running smoothly. Adding downtime actions which pass the time but also create timing issues seems like a net negative, and will in some cases start to slow the queue down, when someone wants to wait for another player to be awake or asleep before taking their turn.

Josh: he/they

03-06-2022 18:20:23 UTC

I’m not convinced that either of these create running issues and certainly don’t think that either are worth centralising the game entirely in one atomic action.


04-06-2022 08:19:54 UTC
