Monday, March 28, 2011

Proposal: A Lumberjack

Vetoed by Kevan, as the dynasty ended before this could be enacted or failed.

Adminned at 29 Mar 2011 03:22:07 UTC

To Rule 2.3 (Pursuits), add:-

As a weekly action, a Caveman with an Intelligence of 5 or more may journey alone to rethink their purpose in life. This is a stressful process - they must decrease their Intelligence by 4, and any Tools they are carrying are lost. Upon doing this, they may set their Pursuit to a Pursuit of their choice.

It’s maybe a bit harsh that we’re stuck with our randomly-assigned Pursuits.



28-03-2011 09:58:18 UTC



28-03-2011 14:11:35 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-03-2011 10:21:25 UTC

veto Vetoing a leftover proposal from last dynasty.