A new start for the new year
With the holiday ending, let’s try to put together some cohesive rules and start playing again. It looks like we have 2 main directions in the ruleset with no connection to each other:
The Threads system allows Protagonists to accumulate a Score - sort of. Since the Sandbox is the only place that there can be 2 different Contributing Protagonists, that is the only place we could get any Score. The Narrator has to be paying attention, too.
There is a collection of GNDT tracked variables: Roles, Locations, Items, Steps and HP. Quests could provide a reason to do something with these (like bring an Item to a Location), but again we need the Narrator. Accumulating Steps seems like it might be a bad thing, so I am reluctant to take any pointless Actions.
It seems to me we should throw some rules out, or tie them together. I think we could use a system to make more players with Narrator powers, too.
Angry Grasshopper:
Re the two themes that are present in the ruleset, I’m not sure that there is a good way to unify the two ideas into one thread. I’ve thought about it for a while and the question that I can’t answer yet is “Who is the player of the game?”. Is it us? Some amorphous Player outside of system?
If I knew which direction was intended, I might find the theme a little more tractable. We have mechanics (and can easily add more), but I really am unclear on how they (and the Protagonists) relate to the game that we are playing.
In any case your ideas are good. Anybody want to be a sub-Narrator?