Friday, June 11, 2010

Proposal: A Positive Experience.

Fails 1-7. - Qwazukee

Adminned at 13 Jun 2010 09:28:43 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Experience” and give it the following text:

Each @ has a certain number of Experience Points, tracked in the GNDT under the column “XP”.  An @‘s Experience Points are initially 0.  Each @ also has an Experience Level, which is initially 1.  This may also be tracked in the same column.  If it is, the two values must be separated by a slash with the Experience Level first.  If an @‘s Experience Level isn’t tracked in the GNDT, it is assumed to be the smallest Experience Level with a Threshold greater than their XP.

An @‘s Experience Level is always at least 1 and at most 30.  Each possible Experience Level value has a Threshold associated with it.  The Threshold for Experience Level 1 is 20; the Threshold for Experience Level 10 is 10,000; The Threshold for Experience Level 20 is 10,000,000.  The Threshold for every other Experience Level is twice the Threshold of the previous Experience Level.  Whenever an @‘s Experience Points is greater than or equal to the Threshold for their Experience Level, they Gain a Level.

When an @ Gains a Level, roll DICE8, add 1 and increase their HP and Max HP by the result.  Their Experience Level increases by 1.  Then, if their Experience Points are greater than the Threshold for their new Experience Level, their Experience Points are set to one less than their new Experience Level’s Threshold.

Whenever an @ kills a Monster, he gains Experience Points equal to that Monster’s XP.

In the Rule entitled “Monsters”, change the text

each one has a number of HP and an amount of Damage, which is two integers (a number of Dice and a number of Sides).


each one has a number of HP, a number of XP and an amount of Damage, which is two integers (a number of Dice and a number of Sides).  A Monster’s initial XP is always equal to that Monster’s HP, times that Monster’s Dice, times that Monster’s Sides, divided by three and rounded down, or 1 if the result is less than 1.



11-06-2010 15:40:28 UTC

There is something funny about the wording of

A Monster’s initial XP is always equal to that Monster’s HP


11-06-2010 15:49:52 UTC

against kill sniping is bad enough already, since a kill count is required to find the down stairs.  Now I have to be the one to get the final blow just to level up?


11-06-2010 16:03:57 UTC

against per Hix. Why not have a player’s experience points increase by the amount of damage they do as and when they attack a monster?


11-06-2010 16:40:04 UTC

against per Hix


11-06-2010 17:38:38 UTC

against Keeping this exactly like NetHack would unbalance the game.


11-06-2010 20:30:24 UTC

Possible solution:Award the experience to everyone who damaged the monster.


11-06-2010 23:08:45 UTC

against but maybe in proportion to the dmg dealt. With a possible bonus for killing the monster?


13-06-2010 01:01:26 UTC
