Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Proposal: A Room of One’s Own

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Apr 2010 03:52:23 UTC

In Rule 2.2, replace “A group of connected Locations enclosed by Walls, Doors and/or Rock is known as a Room. If any single Location would be in more than one Room, only the largest counts as a Room. The Location of the door of the room is not considered as in the Room. If a Location is in a Room, that Location is Indoors. Otherwise, it is Outside. ” with:-

Walls, Doors and Rock are all Barrier Locations; other Locations are Free Locations. If a group of connected Free Locations is entirely enclosed by Boundary Locations, the Free Locations are known as a Room. If a Location is part of a Room, that Location is Indoors. Otherwise, it is Outside.

Fixing the definition of a “Room”. The current definition of a “Room” is broken - because a Room is just made up of “Locations enclosed by Rock”, then for any Room that exists, there exists a slightly larger Room that also includes its walls (which are also surrounded by Rock), and the walls of those walls, and so on until the entire mountain is a single Room.

I think this removes the need to check whether “any single Location would be in more than one Room”.



13-04-2010 11:42:35 UTC

“Barrier Locations”....“Boundary Locations”



Kevan: City he/him

13-04-2010 12:05:12 UTC

Oh, my mistake, changed my mind about the word but must have missed the second usage of it. I’ll self-kill, but will leave voting open in case I’ve also missed a nuance of “any single Location would be in more than one Room”.



13-04-2010 12:14:35 UTC

Imagine a 3x3 room of Dirt. The group of 8 squares excluding the central square arguably meets all the qualifications of a Room (depending on how you define ‘enclosed’). Therefore the outer squares are in two rooms simultaneously. It gets even worse with larger rooms. This is what I tried to avoid when I wrote the Location proposal.


13-04-2010 15:22:22 UTC

Kevan, I know you already killed this, but I still want to say, what exactly IS your problem with the current definition of a room?

It outlines what can be a boundary, clears up that a door (which is an empty location) is NOT “in” the room, and makes the somewhat unneeded extra clarification that if a room is built with another room inside it already that the largest is only a room (Although this last one may need to be changed slightly if the Proposal “Standing the Heat” passes).

Kevan: City he/him

13-04-2010 15:45:44 UTC

“A group of connected Locations enclosed by Walls, Doors and/or Rock is known as a Room.” is the thing, as it means that Rock enclosed by Rock is also part of a Room (so a 2x2 cell of Dirt subsumes its rock walls to become a 4x4 Room, and then a 6x6 room, etc).

The real problem is that if you have two separate cells of Dirt in a solid mass of Rock, they will quickly become the same Room - draw a squiggly line around them and the Dirt and Rock is “a group of connected Locations enclosed by Walls, Doors and/or Rock”, bigger than both individual cells, so “only the largest counts as a Room”. You end up with the entire mountain being defined as one big Room.

Kevan: City he/him

13-04-2010 15:48:24 UTC

And thanks for the clarification, Purplebeard, I see where you were coming from now.