Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proposal: A Sense of Achievement

Open for 48 hours, fails 5-6. — Quirck

Adminned at 15 Sep 2012 07:44:13 UTC

If the proposal “Theme It Up” passed, replace “Achievements” with “Gold Stars” in the remainder of this proposal.

If the rule “Grading” exists, replace “Each Student has a non-negative integer number of Achievements, tracked in the GNDT.” within it with:-

Each Student has a non-negative integer number of Achievements, tracked in the GNDT as a comma-separated list of the numbers of the dynastic rules (without the leading “2.”) which awarded those Achievements.

If any Student’s Achievements value is 0, change it to a blank string. If any Students have gained Achievements, replace the number of their current Achievements value with a comma-separated list of the numbers of the dynastic rules (without the leading “2.”) which awarded those Achievements.

Scoring is triggered “if and only if that Rule has not caused that Student to score earlier in the current dynasty”, so we should keep track of which rules have paid out for a player, and which haven’t.



13-09-2012 13:18:52 UTC

Good thinking, but aren’t they all awarded by one rule?

Josh: he/they

13-09-2012 13:32:44 UTC

Not by the current wording - “Grading” is explicit that “a Rule causes a Student to Score”.

Josh: he/they

13-09-2012 13:33:06 UTC


quirck: he/him

13-09-2012 14:19:10 UTC


quirck: he/him

13-09-2012 14:20:42 UTC

I missed where Kevan has announced unidling

Josh: he/they

13-09-2012 14:26:14 UTC

Admins don’t have to announce it, I think.

quirck: he/him

13-09-2012 14:41:59 UTC

Ah, right, though usually they announce it. I remember it was discussed back in June…


13-09-2012 16:19:17 UTC

against First, I think people can keep track of which rule gives them achievements. Second, due to the nature of rules changing or being removed, it’s possible that a rule number doesn’t always reference the same rule. Someone could then lose (or miss out on) an achievement that they otherwise would be entitled to.


13-09-2012 16:19:58 UTC



13-09-2012 16:20:22 UTC

Oh, and as for unidling, we keep waffling on that one.

Kevan: he/him

13-09-2012 16:49:19 UTC

[Josh] Ah, I think Bucky’s point is that rules award Scores, not Achievements.

But yes, the numbering problem is ripe for a scam.

Clucky: he/him

13-09-2012 16:59:23 UTC

what spice said. I think this makes things less clear. If I score for rule 2.3 and then rule 2.3 becomes rule 2.4…


Clucky: he/him

13-09-2012 17:02:52 UTC

What if we repealed the whole “one score per rule” and instead each instance of “student scores” we marked with some achievement code. You list your achievement codes, and that way if rules change it doesn’t let you rescore that rule.


13-09-2012 17:32:44 UTC

against As per the fear of scams. A good fix would be to never allow rule-numbers to change, although that might be too meta(?).

We should definitely prioritize well-organized tracking, anyhow.

quirck: he/him

13-09-2012 17:40:11 UTC

If rules change numbers, the new numbers have to be reflected in the gndt, no? Though Clucky’s idea to give achievements codes is safer, since number changing might accidentally be missed.
I like the idea to keep track of achievements so that it’s easily verifiable who scored what.


14-09-2012 02:15:46 UTC

for , but someone with a slot should write up a patch.

Ragnar Danneskjöld:

14-09-2012 05:38:42 UTC



15-09-2012 00:10:05 UTC

I made a proposal that might work better than this one.


15-09-2012 14:01:10 UTC
