Proposal: Action in a Crisis
Timed out 14 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Feb 2010 02:35:06 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.3 (Crises), called “Taking Action”:-
If a Crisis would result in a Guest’s health state being altered, it can only be enacted if each of the Guests whose health state is being altered is present in the same Room as a Guest who voted FOR the Crisis.
If a Crisis would result in a Guest becoming Restrained or Arrested, it instead requires two of the Guests who voted FOR the Crisis to be present in the same Room as each Guest who is becoming Restrained or Arrested.
If a Crisis would result in a Guest becoming Arrested, it additionally requires one of the Guests who voted FOR the Crisis to be present in the Parlor (to make the phonecall to the police).
Also, to Rule 2.3, add:-
If a proposal would have no effect other than changing the health states of one or more Guests, the Executor may edit its title to make it into a Crisis.
Just a little common sense, so that I don’t have to surprise anyone by vetoing a Crisis on the grounds of “physically impossible” when you’re trying to Restrain someone who’s stuck alone in an Incident-locked Attic (and so that guests can shuffle things around to allow it to enact a little later, if things aren’t possible right away).
Also clarifying that health-state proposals have to be Crises, and giving me the power to just rename them if (as I think happened below) someone forgets.