Proposal: Admin status
passed 5-2-4, enacted by aaronwinborn
Adminned at 20 Dec 2007 07:52:36 UTC
I would like to become an Admin. If I am reading Rule 1.2 correctly, I have to submit a proposal to do this.
passed 5-2-4, enacted by aaronwinborn
Adminned at 20 Dec 2007 07:52:36 UTC
I would like to become an Admin. If I am reading Rule 1.2 correctly, I have to submit a proposal to do this.
Often a wave of people become Admins (and I say wave, because when one person asks to be an Admin lots of other people do as well) its because there is a distinct lack of admins which is causing problems for the gamestate. I don’t see that happening right now.
I’ll go right out and say that we have plenty of Admins, and if we had any more, they would outnumber the non-Admins. So unless some Admins retire, I don’t think we need any more.
If yoda wants to be an Admin let him. the only difference is in the ability to pass and fail proposals…no reason not to have anyone that wants to help out be able to.
Sorry Yoda, but I personally dislike the idea of someone becoming an Admin with just two for votes. (Right now this would pass 2-1).
See, the only reason that I think you should vote against a person becoming an admin is if you think they would do a poor job, or shouldn’t be trusted with the responsibility. After all, that’s the only reason that we require this to be put to a vote.
cov—so what if admins out-number non-admins? that just means we’re all active, involved, and know our way around.
i haven’t seen any indication from actions that yoda shouldn’t be allowed. seems a responsible player. and the only argument i’ve heard, i don’t agree with.
fine. but I’m too lazy to actually go through the admin making progress… so someone else make him an admin ok? =P
I don’t know how to make someone an admin, otherwise I would most likely enact this.
(IMPERIAL). There doesn’t seem to be any need for another Admin at the moment.