Proposal: Advantage to the Attacker
Fails as it cannot be adopted without a CoV 1 - 7 -coppro
Adminned at 29 Jun 2011 09:00:19 UTC
Add a new rule, “Income”
Each farmer has an amount of Income tracked in the GNDT. Any time a non-Landlord Farmer Creates 1 or more Zombies, their income is increased by 10%, rounding down, of the Species cost of the summoned zombies. A Zombie may only increase a a Farmer’s income in this manner once.
In “Resources”, replace
As a weekly action, a Farmer may Harvest by adding 100 to their Sun.
As a weekly action, a Farmer may Harvest by adding 100 plus that Farmer’s Income to their Sun.
In the Zombie Compendium, Set the cost of Bombie to 50.
In Molotov Coktail, replace
A farmer who owns a moonshine still may spend 50
As a weekly action, a farmer who owns a moonshine still may spend 50
This makes summoning zombies a good idea. Right now nobody has much motivation to do so.