Adventure: Whaling Ship
Successful Adventurers: Elias IX, Igthorn, Banja, Purplebeard, The Lone Amigo, Josh, Hix.
(JelloGoesWiggle did not roll eir Adventure die, unfortunately. No worries, I’ll give em some Booty for trying.)
21 Booty to each Swashbuckler except meself, who gets 24 Booty.
If ye can help me out, I’ll buy ye all some rum at Port. - Elias IX
Adminned at 19 Feb 2006 17:15:39 UTC
Arrr, I sees a whaling ship on the ‘orizon, n’ ye all need t’ practice yer ship boarding skills, so thar she blows! This will not be an easy Boarding, I tell ye.
Danger: 5
Reward: 150 Booty divided among all successful Swashbucklers, and 1 Barrel of Whale Oil per successful Swashbuckler
Location: Boarding
Elias IX: