Saturday, February 18, 2006

Adventure: Whaling Ship

Successful Adventurers: Elias IX, Igthorn, Banja, Purplebeard, The Lone Amigo, Josh, Hix.

(JelloGoesWiggle did not roll eir Adventure die, unfortunately. No worries, I’ll give em some Booty for trying.)

21 Booty to each Swashbuckler except meself, who gets 24 Booty.

If ye can help me out, I’ll buy ye all some rum at Port. - Elias IX

Adminned at 19 Feb 2006 17:15:39 UTC

Arrr, I sees a whaling ship on the ‘orizon, n’ ye all need t’ practice yer ship boarding skills, so thar she blows! This will not be an easy Boarding, I tell ye.

Danger: 5
Reward: 150 Booty divided among all successful Swashbucklers, and 1 Barrel of Whale Oil per successful Swashbuckler
Location: Boarding


Elias IX:

18-02-2006 17:27:33 UTC



18-02-2006 20:38:09 UTC

Reporting as ordered, Sah! I consulted the bones on my here sah and blimey if I don’t see two little dots winking at me like a pair of rat’s eyes.  Today we meet our destiny.


18-02-2006 21:16:53 UTC

Some of us (namely, me) are afraid that if we show up, Igthorn, Jello etc. might just decide to have a little scrap.  Therefore, I resolve to keelhaul anyone who duels while boarding during this adventure.


19-02-2006 03:01:17 UTC

Actually, the rules say:
“Any Swashbuckler may Duel with another Swashbuckler provided that the two are in the same Part of the Ship.”

But boarding is defined as an off-ship location, so I would say you could not initiate a duel there.

Anyway, chaarge!  for


19-02-2006 03:13:19 UTC

I can agree ter no fightin’ while theres lootin’ and plunderin’ of non-swashies ter be done! for


19-02-2006 03:14:36 UTC

I’m waiting to see how the CfJ and subsequent possible mutiny go before I participate.


19-02-2006 04:29:51 UTC

Shiver me timbers, bein’ a newbie an’ all, I’ll stay in the back—but I’m comin’ along… for


19-02-2006 07:16:41 UTC

I solemnly pledge not to attack anyone until the captain declares the adventure over.


19-02-2006 07:41:07 UTC

Having said that, a pirate with a GPS of 0 can only hope to beat the dice roll if e has lots of motley (though I cannot see how a lemon is going to help me in a fight :)  )


19-02-2006 09:51:16 UTC

for Consider it boarded. Arr.

The Lone Amigo:

19-02-2006 12:31:41 UTC


DICE5: 1

Yarr, success!

Josh: Mastermind he/they

19-02-2006 12:38:12 UTC

for DICE5:3

Thank heavens for motley :)


19-02-2006 21:27:32 UTC

for Despite having 0 GPS