Friday, October 22, 2010

Proposal: Agent 47

Passes 8-1. —Brendan

Adminned at 22 Oct 2010 21:39:10 UTC

Add a new Objective to Rule 2.5.1 (List of Objectives):-

Time: 7 days
Maximum number of Agents: 1
An Agent with this Objective may telephone D-Ops with the subject line “ASSASSINATE [TARGET]”, where [TARGET] is any word. If, at the time of telephoning, an Imposter has the TARGET word as their Codename, and shares a Location with the Agent performing the Objective, then the Objective is completed - the Imposter is Eliminated, and the Agent shall be given the Codename of every Agent who shares an Allegiance with the Imposter. Otherwise, this Objective is failed. If this Objective is failed for any reason, the assassin is arrested - D-Ops shall post the Name, Codename and Location of the Agent performing the Objective to the weblog.

To Rule 2.2.1 (Imposters), add:-

Imposters may become Eliminated. If an Imposter has been Eliminated, its Location is always Unknown and it no longer counts as an Imposter for any rule other than this one.



22-10-2010 14:26:06 UTC

against .  An agent who fails due to running out of time should not be arrested.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2010 14:52:23 UTC

I just thought I’d up the stakes. I don’t think anyone would actually request an assassination mission if they didn’t already have a target and location in mind, though.


22-10-2010 15:07:42 UTC



22-10-2010 15:10:37 UTC



22-10-2010 15:16:20 UTC


Brendan: he/him

22-10-2010 15:29:29 UTC



22-10-2010 16:00:12 UTC

@Kevan: It is possible to be assigned a mission without requesting it; if this happens, the Agent is toast.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2010 16:23:41 UTC

[Bucky] Unless I’m missing something, we changed the Objective-assigning rule back to a request system. “As a daily action, D-Ops may select an Objective, and assign it as a single Operation to one or more Agents who have previously requested assignation to that Objective.”

Roujo: he/him

22-10-2010 17:30:50 UTC



22-10-2010 19:10:40 UTC


Darknight: he/him

23-10-2010 02:31:02 UTC
