Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Proposal: Animal Welfare Administrator

Self-killed - coppro

Adminned at 13 Apr 2011 07:41:54 UTC

If the rule “Officials” exists, add to it a subrule called “Animal Welfare Administrator” as follows:

The Animal Welfare Administrator must redistribute wealth once every Monday. Upon doing so, they shall find the highest value of Baabucks in the GNDT, subtract 2 from it, and then immediately change any values of 0 Baabucks in the GNDT to 1.



12-04-2011 21:10:14 UTC

for Communist! ;)

ais523: Mastermind

12-04-2011 21:11:09 UTC

I’m not sure this is in the right format to work correctly. (It should be along the lines of “Powers: The Animal Welfare Administrator can, as a daily action that can only be taken on Monday, subtract 2 from the highest Baabuck value in the GNDT, and change all Baabuck values of 0 to 1; Duties: Must perform the above action every Monday.”)


12-04-2011 21:15:35 UTC

Ah, yes, that’s how I meant it. Well, if an admin wants to format it correctly, or if someone with a free proposal slot wants to re-post it, feel free.


12-04-2011 21:56:06 UTC

arrow  for
This still works, logically, although, it would be nice to see it fixed into the accepted format.


12-04-2011 21:57:40 UTC

Oh, upon further reading, this /doesn’t/ work, in the sense that it does not create a position of Animal Welfare Administrator.
Would vote for a Re-propose with the format correct.

ais523: Mastermind

12-04-2011 22:05:37 UTC

veto Doesn’t actually work. I’m fine with a correctly-formatted repropose, though, and like the idea.


12-04-2011 22:24:19 UTC



12-04-2011 22:49:29 UTC



13-04-2011 02:01:01 UTC


Will likely vote For if fixed.


13-04-2011 09:37:10 UTC

imperial per chiv