Proposal: Another Day, Another Dollar
Quorum Reached. Passes 9-0—Clucky
Adminned at 14 Aug 2021 01:36:55 UTC
In “Clientele”, replace “A Client is Satisfied with a Worker if they have fulfilled all of their Wants during the current Cycle. Once per Cycle, a Worker can Submit a Report and gain 2 Cogs per Client that is Satisfied with them.” with:-
A Client is Satisfied with a Worker if the Worker is currently fulfilling all of the Client’s Wants. Once per Cycle, a Worker can Submit a Report: upon doing so they gain 2 Cogs per Client that is Satisfied with them, and set all of their Machines to Hot.
Then replace “The Worker had at least 2 Energy at the end of the previous cycle.” with “The Worker has at least 2 Energy.”
Then replace “the previous cycle” with “the current cycle” in the Wants list.
If “We Want More” enacted, replace “currently holds a box” with “held (at any point during the current cycle) a Box” throughout the rule, and “held no Things immediately prior to the previous Cycle action” with “holds no Things”.
Simplifying the mix of current/previous-cycle Wants by making Report submission into something that we can only do after we’ve finished activating our Machines for the cycle.
lemon: she/her
“had at least 2 Energy at the end of the current cycle” doesn’t really track!