Proposal: [Appendix] Let Names Be Names
In the subrule “Names” of the Appendix rule “Clarifications”, add a new list item after the first list item:
Within the Ruleset, a word or phrase cannot refer to the name of a gamestate entity unless the Rules explicitly define what name that gamestate entity has.
To prevent, e.g., a team named “Winning” from being considered the Winning Team – it’s unclear from the current core rules whether or not this sort of thing works, but it would probably be better for the future if it clearly didn’t work.
JonathanDark: he/him
As discussed in the CfJ, I don’t think we should actually try to fix this. Although the wording is decent, I think it will introduce more problems than it will fix, and we don’t actually want the protection (well, I don’t, anyway…)