Thursday, October 21, 2021

Proposal: Approximauction

Reached quorum 9 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Oct 2021 16:15:47 UTC

Create a rule, titled “Whose to Sell?”:

As a Daily Action, a Realtor may Auction the rights to sell a House (aka Auction a House) by making a Auction Post. An Auction Post is a Story Post with “Auction” in the title, which names a single, available House to be Auctioned in its body text. Only Houses without a Seller and which have not been Auctioned are available to be Auctioned.

A Valid Bid on an Auction Post is a comment on that Post which contains a single, whole number and which was submitted by a Realtor who has at least that number of Bucks. A Bidder is the submitter of a Valid Bid.

The Top Bid on an Auction Post is the oldest Valid Bid on that Post among the Valid Bids which contain the highest number of any Valid Bid on that Post. The Top Bidder is the submitter of the Top Bid.

While an Auction Post has not been closed, and has a Top Bid which is at least 12 hours old, any Realtor may close it by decreasing the Bucks of the Top Bidder by the number in the Top Bid, and making that Bidder the Seller of the House being Auctioned in the Post. They should then make a comment on the Post to notify the market that they have closed the Post.

Based on the idea from Chiiika’s Enterprising Realtors proposal.


Clucky: he/him

22-10-2021 05:29:15 UTC

Daily action for each realtor sounds like its gonna be really active. Maybe a bit too active.  imperial


22-10-2021 06:16:31 UTC

Actually, I agree. Considered making it a Daily Communal Action, but that would make a race for the choice of which House to Auction first. It’s also possible these Auctions would each take days to resolve, and I’m not sure if that helps. Maybe we could add a limit on Auctions open at one time.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2021 08:19:31 UTC



22-10-2021 14:51:09 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-10-2021 14:53:59 UTC


Clucky: he/him

22-10-2021 15:29:34 UTC

better approach I think might just to make it a weekly action. enough players, that should be a decent amount without going overboard

Chiiika: she/her

22-10-2021 16:30:52 UTC


Brendan: he/him

22-10-2021 18:55:25 UTC



22-10-2021 19:47:06 UTC

against 12 hours is quite fast.


22-10-2021 19:48:28 UTC

for CoV, embrace the chaos


22-10-2021 19:53:48 UTC


Josh: he/they

22-10-2021 20:00:57 UTC

against I hate being the Community Guidelines fun police guy, but

The rhythm of a dynasty of BlogNomic should not be less than 24 hours - which is to say, the ruleset should usually not require players to check the game more than once a day.

With this many players that’s even more important. This needs to be much slower imo.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-10-2021 20:09:23 UTC

COV against because of above concerns about speed. Will veto if enough legitimate concerns come up and it still looks like it might pass.


22-10-2021 20:32:39 UTC

@Josh I’ll accept that, though I think if I had started at 24 hours it would have seemed very long, without a minimum bid increment. Willing to repost with some improvements, probably after we work them out in chat. This might become a central mechanic once it passes.

Chiiika: she/her

22-10-2021 20:53:43 UTC

against CoV, will For if the pace is modified

redtara: they/them

22-10-2021 20:55:26 UTC

against goodness

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-10-2021 21:11:29 UTC

for upon further consideration

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-10-2021 21:28:45 UTC

Closing the bid is a choice, so until the time gets lengthened we can simply choose to wait.

Brendan: he/him

22-10-2021 21:40:49 UTC

against CoV per Josh.


22-10-2021 21:51:51 UTC

After Josh and Trap objected, we had a quick Discord convo, and I put up a second proposal to extend the wait time to 24 hours:

While I expect several Auctions to be begun in the interim, I expect it’s worth some overfast rhythm to get the ball rolling on the mechanic.

Chiiika: she/her

23-10-2021 04:42:57 UTC

for reCoV

Raven1207: he/they

23-10-2021 14:03:06 UTC
