Proposal: Armed and Dangerous
Timed out / quorumed 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:03:45 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Arms”
Each Thief has a publicly tracked amount of Arms, which defaults to 0.
At any time, a Thief may Purchase Arms by performing the following atomic action:
* Gain Notoriety equal to their Arms plus 1
* Perform a Notoriety Check
* Spend Florins equal to their Arms plus 1 and increase their Arms by 1 (if they are unable to perform this step, it is skipped without increasing their armsEach Thief may privately communicate with the City the amount of Arms they wish to spend on a Haul and may change this at any time. This is known as their Offer.
Add a new dynastic called “The Target”
Targets have a Name, and Integer Defense, a Loot, and a Trap. Possible Targets are below.
The name of the Current Target is publicly tracked, as is by default the Restaurant.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name || Defense || Loot || Trap
| Restaurant || 0 || None || None
| Club || 5 || Add 2DICE5 Florins to the Haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains a random Injury
| Bank || 10 || Add 5DICE5 Florins to the Haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains a random Injuries and gains 5 Notoriety
| Jewelry Store || 5 || Add two unapprised gems to the haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains 3 Notoriety
In “The Haul” before “Apply the Effect of each Thief’s plan (with the ‘you’ referring to the Thief whose plan it is)” add “Set the Party Might to 0” and then after “Apply the Effect of each Thief’s plan (with the ‘you’ referring to the Thief whose plan it is)” add the following steps
- For each Thief whose Plan is not Rest or Lay Low, reduce that Thief’s Arms by the amount most recently communicated Offer to a minimum of 0. Then increase the Party Might by the amount their Arms were reduced by.
- If the Party Might is greater than or equal to Defense of the Current Target, apply the Loot of the Current Target
- If the Party Might is less than the Defense of the Current Target, apply the Trap of the Current Target
In Distribution, add the following step right before “Change the status of the Haul post to enacted.”
If there is a single Target for which a quorum of Free Thieves included the string “Raid X” in a comment on the Haul Post, where X is the name of a Target, then that Target becomes the Current Target. Otherwise the Current Target becomes Restaurant.
Clucky: he/him
Obviously adding guns that give you extra arms is a clear follow up on this but proposal was already getting super lengthy
I’m also thinking a fun endgame for the dynasty could be “Steal the Queen’s Rubies, the Emperor Diamond, the Holy Sapphire and the Emerald of the Night” and each of those would probably require a certain target to add it to the loot