Arrival: Notafraud
Satisfying Rule 1.2: Protaganists.
Sorry about that last post, I’m still working out the system. Righto, I’m new to BlogNomic, so any help on the way things work here would be… nice… thanks.
Satisfying Rule 1.2: Protaganists.
Sorry about that last post, I’m still working out the system. Righto, I’m new to BlogNomic, so any help on the way things work here would be… nice… thanks.
Yep. You’re now in the sidebar, and your GNDT info is on the way.
You can’t play wrong, at least.
What are the acceptable reasons for a veto? How is it usually used in game?
Doubtful that anyone will read this, but:
Usually used to egregiously out-of-theme or bad proposals. Also used for queue speeding.
Angry Grasshopper:
Eheh. Read the ruleset for starters. Vote on proposals however you like. Have fun!
Ask lots of questions, we’ll be happy to answer.