Sunday, October 21, 2007

Proposal: Assimilation Fever

Failed 4-8 (cannot be passed without CoV).  Brendan

Adminned at 22 Oct 2007 11:38:51 UTC


Rule 2.3.2. Lycanthropy Infection

If, for whatever reason, a villager survives an attack by werewolves, then the mayor must role 1DICE20. If the result is a value from 1to 5 then the mayor must privately inform the villager the e is now a werewolf.


In Military Occupations change the sentence

On a result of 15-20 the target continues as normal.


On a result of 15-20 the werewolf attack is processed as normal.




Brendan: he/him

21-10-2007 16:34:53 UTC

for Because I like infection mechanics, although people have been discussing them very warily since the beginning of the Dynasty.


21-10-2007 19:55:38 UTC

for The infection probability seems a little high, but that could be adjusted later.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

21-10-2007 20:00:39 UTC

against not because i don’t like it, but it looks like ya numbers aren’t quite right. maybe i’m reading it wrong.

Clucky: he/him

21-10-2007 20:09:55 UTC



21-10-2007 20:17:40 UTC

imperial % might be too high.


21-10-2007 21:27:23 UTC



21-10-2007 21:56:10 UTC

imperial i think the mayor should not be forced to use the GNDT tracker, as those results are public. numbers can be tweaked later, however, so that’s not as big a concern to me.

Kevan: he/him

21-10-2007 22:30:43 UTC

against I like infection mechanics in general, but they sit a bit strangely here, if werewolves can infect soldiers but not hatmakers. And a 25% chance of infection does seem high.


22-10-2007 03:05:03 UTC

against Doesn’t really work as written.  “the mayor must privately inform the villager the e is now a werewolf” doesn’t mean that the villager _is_ a werewolf, it just means that the villager gets a message from the mayor.


22-10-2007 14:38:29 UTC



22-10-2007 18:29:09 UTC

against What spikebrennan said.