Proposal: ¡Atención!
Reaches quorum and passes, 9-1. —Brendan
Adminned at 04 Oct 2010 15:07:19 UTC
In the rule “Radio Transmissions”, replace “Upon receiving this request, D-Ops should, at their earliest convenience, make a post with the title “Radio Transmission #{N}â€, where {N} is the chronological number of the posted transmission (ordered by the dates of posting), and the broadcasted message in its body.” in it with:-
If D-Ops has any unprocessed emails of this nature, he may make a post with the title “Radio Transmissions”, and a body composed of messages from any number of these emails in the order they were received, separated by ellipses. (Upon doing so, those emails are considered processed.)
Clumping broadcasts into a single post.