Proposal: Attracting Honies Like A Magnet
Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 14 Feb 2022 21:39:46 UTC
Add the following to the dynastic ruleset as a new dynastic rule, called Making Moves:
As a daily action, a Player may Make a Move by adding their Symbol to an empty Cell in the Grid.
If, immediately after a Player has Made a Move, the Grid has an entire row or column in which every Cell is filled with a Symbol, and all of those Symbols has at least one Quality in common, then that Player must Reset the Grid.
Add the following as a subrule to the rule Symbology, called Classification:
Each Symbol has the following Qualities, defined by its location on the table set out at the page [[WGL4]]: a Row, a Column and a Block.
Add the following to the end of the rule The Grid:
If ever the Grid is in such a position that no Player may legally make a play then any Player may Reset the Grid. Resetting the Grid entails removing any contents in all of its Cells, resetting the Grid Size to 3, and redrawing the Grid to match the new Grid Size.
Setting up the shell of a positional combo style game, like old BlogNomic dynasties where we cast spells with runes but boringer because so many of us are old now.
Lulu: she/her
last clause seems like a potential nightmare to check