Friday, October 19, 2007

Back Hair Inspection

All players with addresses listed in post office records have now been informed of their back hair status. The village still has no barber.

(Note that I still don’t seem to have official contact details for Rodney. And I’d like to confirm that Amnistar’s is his username at Gmail, because I can’t seem to find a comment that backs this up.)



19-10-2007 19:01:20 UTC

Amnistar confirmed it shortly after unidling at

Kevan: he/him

19-10-2007 19:04:14 UTC

Aha, thanks.

Amnistar: he/him

19-10-2007 19:47:22 UTC

I bet it is because of the confusion of the email address, but I have yet to receive my backhair status


20-10-2007 23:47:06 UTC

I can be reached at tiber264 at