Friday, January 26, 2024

Best Practices

Add the following Shell Command as a subrule to the list of Shell Commands:

As a weekly Shell Command, a client may ‘’‘change passcode‘’‘. The Client specifies a new valid Passcode and the Client’s Passcode is changed to the new value. After this command executes, all Connections to the Client are removed.

If the value “Brute Force Attempts” is defined, append the following to that Shell Command:

The Client’s Brute Force Attempts are reset to an empty list and the Mainframe should recalculate its Passcode Complexity.

Seems reasonable to be able to change passwords if you’re being attacked.


JonathanDark: he/him

26-01-2024 06:28:52 UTC

I caught it too late, but unfortunately, you didn’t set the Category of the post to Proposal, so this doesn’t count as one.

The good news is that, since this can’t be an official Proposal, you didn’t use up a slot, so you can just post it again and set the category properly.

Vovix: he/him

26-01-2024 07:09:13 UTC

Every time…

Vovix: he/him

26-01-2024 07:11:22 UTC

I’ll repost in the morning so I’m actually around for the edit window.

Zack: he/him

26-01-2024 13:20:49 UTC

You might want to also specify where to add it to the ruleset or else I think it will just go at the end of the last rule.

Desertfrog: Jury

26-01-2024 15:17:44 UTC

If 1337 warez passes, it would probably also be good to disallow changing the dark web’s passcode

Zack: he/him

26-01-2024 16:24:43 UTC

I don’t think it would be possible to change the password of the Dark Web because even if the action of changing the password succeeds the password wouldn’t change because the ruleset stating what the password is takes precedence.