Proposal: Best regards, the Detective
Enacted 19-1. Ienpw
Adminned at 22 Jan 2010 15:20:14 UTC
Add a new rule titled “Pipe mail” to the dynastic ruleset, with the following text:
Cartlesham manor is equipped with a pipe mail system that connects all rooms to the Master Bedroom.
As a daily action and if the lights are on, any non-dormant guest may send a letter from any room to the Master Bedroom.
They do so by sending an e-mail to the Executor with their intention of doing so and the text of the letter.
Other people in the room of the sender are not notified of this happening.
If the lights are on and the executor has such a letter in his email inbox, and if there are any non-dormant Guests in the room where the letter is sent, he may inform them of the letter appearing and it’s content. The people informed this way may be referred to as ‘recipients’.
Add a sub-rule titled “Seals” to the previous rule with the following text:
The Detectives have Detective Seals, with which they can seal letters. If they do so, the Executor must also notify the recipients of the letter that it was sealed with a Detective Seal.
The Murderers are in possession of all of Lord Cartlesham’s personal seals. They may seal letters they send with such a seal. If they do so, the Executor must also notify the recipients of the letter that it was sealed with a Bloody Seal.
We can also add voting power to the Detectives this way, et cetera.
Centralized mail system for two reasons: 1, Less chaos; 2, Making another room valuable, therefore increasing the number of people there, and so spreading people. I didn’t include sending from the Master Bedroom to any other room, because I think that would make it too central.
People aren’t notified of other people sending pipe mail even though this way it’s unrealistic because then we could easily deduce who’s who.
By the way, I have a terrible Déjà vu about this proposal… I checked already and couldn’t find anything, but anyways: there wasn’t anything like this proposed in the past, was there?
ais523: Custodian