Thursday, August 27, 2015

Proposal: Best Served Cold

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Aug 2015 15:58:36 UTC

In “Grudges”, replace “A Prisoner may change or clear their Grudge as a daily action.” with:-

A Prisoner may change or clear their Grudge so long as they are not Party to a Confession at the time of changing it, and have not been Party to a Confession during the previous 24 hours.

Making Grudges a bit more meaningful.



27-08-2015 20:31:21 UTC



27-08-2015 20:33:34 UTC


Josh: he/they

27-08-2015 20:56:22 UTC

Bear in mind that both versions of SHIV index repeal the Grudges rule.


Kevan: he/him

27-08-2015 21:23:41 UTC

Oh, I missed that line.

Kevan: he/him

27-08-2015 23:24:24 UTC

Was there any particular reason for repealing it? It seemed like a good potential nuance for choosing matchups, it just didn’t make any difference in practice because you could always switch your Grudge before Signing anything.

Tantusar: he/they

28-08-2015 02:51:37 UTC



28-08-2015 06:25:03 UTC

for , but I think we should reintroduce Grudges after SHIV index

Kevan, this wont fix it too - a Prisoner will change the Grudge before confessing to a crime


28-08-2015 14:15:45 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2015 15:58:26 UTC

against Self-kill, since this won’t do anything.