Monday, April 19, 2021

Proposal: Beta Blocker

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Apr 2021 15:03:48 UTC

Reword the rule “Versions” from:

Each AI has a Version, which defaults to the median Version of all other AI’s Version. When an AI is Reinitialized, rather than being set to its default value, their Version is increased by one. The Limit is one quarter of the number of AIs, rounded down. An AI may not achieve victory while total the number of AIs (including the AI in question) whose Version is equal to or greater than their own Version AI is less than the Limit.


Each AI has a Version, which is a publicly tracked number that defaults to the median Version of all other AI’s Versions.

While an AI has a Version which is higher than that of at least 75% of AIs (rounding down), that AI is still in beta and can never be considered to have achieved victory while it is there.

In “Reinitialization”, replace “all of their dynastic variables are set to the defaults, except their Leeway, which is instead incremented by 1” with:-

all of their dynastic variables are set to the defaults, except for their Leeway and Version, which are both incremented by 1

Per comments on Version Control, the victory block was meant to go the other way. We also aren’t tracking Version anywhere, and the overriding Reinitialisation may as well go into that rule, next to Leeway.


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

19-04-2021 17:19:04 UTC

isn’t this basically same thing? I think its just one rounds to be more favorable to people with higher versions, and one rounds to be less favorable to people with higher versions.

13 AIs. So Limit is currently 3.

Say we have:

Clucky: 4 version
Kevan: 3 version
Josh+Pokes: 2 version
Everyone else: 1 version

There is 1 AI whose version is equal to or greater than mine, which is less than the limit, so I could not achieve victory. Kevan couldn’t either. But Josh and Pokes could.

The only change is that under your system, Josh and Pokes would both be beta too because their version is higher than 9 others and 9 is 75% of 13 rounded down.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

19-04-2021 17:32:09 UTC

(I do think its worth acknowledging that if both Kevan and Lemon got confused about how the system works, even if it works right its still probably a good reason to change it)

Kevan: he/him

19-04-2021 18:06:04 UTC

Oh, my mistake, I’d somehow misread Version Control as being Lemon’s proposal, and took their “my bad!! somewhere in that last sentence i flipped it around” comments to be about how they’d made a mistake in drafting the proposal.

If this is just a simpler wording that makes Version trackable and changes the numbers slightly, go ahead and vote on it as such. (And yes, the fact I found “total the number of AIs (including the AI in question) whose Version is equal to or greater than their own Version AI is less than the Limit” too much effort to parse and assumed it said what I thought it said is maybe a sign that we should word that more straightforwardly.)

Lulu: she/her

19-04-2021 19:16:17 UTC


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

19-04-2021 19:42:09 UTC


lemon: she/her

19-04-2021 20:29:09 UTC


Janet: she/her

19-04-2021 23:21:19 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

19-04-2021 23:56:39 UTC


Darknight: he/him

20-04-2021 14:33:45 UTC


Brendan: he/him

20-04-2021 14:59:58 UTC
