Proposal: Better Safe Than Sorry
Add a new rule named “Insurance” with the following text:
There is a publicly tracked Insurance which is a list of one or more Policies that defaults to an empty list. Each Policy has a Seeker, a Resource, and a Covered.
At any time while Misfortune is not being performed, a Seeker may add a Policy to Insurance by spending a positive amount of one of their Resources up to the amount of that Resource they have, then adding an entry to Insurance with their name, the name of the Resource that was spent in this action, and a Covered equal to the amount spent. A Seeker who adds a Policy to Insurance is said to own that Policy. A Seeker may not add a Policy for a given Resource if one already exists with their name and that Resource.
At any time while Misfortune is not being performed, a Seeker may increase the Covered amount of a Policy they own by spending a positive amount of the Resource associated with that Policy, up to the amount of that Resource they have, and adding that amount to that Policy.
In the rule “Insurance”, add a subrule named “Misfortune” with the following text:
As a Communal Weekly Action, any Seeker or the Custodian may perform the Misfortune action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Randomly select a Resource.
* Randomly select a Life Event from the list of possible Life Events.
* Roll 2DICEX, where X is the current Tension, and call the result of this roll the Damage.
* Subtract the Damage from the Covered of every Insurance Policy where that Policy’s Resource matches the Resource selected in the preceding steps, to a minimum of 0.
* Remove every Insurance Policy that has a Covered of 0.
* For every Seeker that does not own an Insurance Policy with a Resource that matches the Resource selected in the preceding steps, apply the Life Event selected in the preceding steps to that Seeker.
Consider the Misfortune action as having been performed at the time of the enactment of this Proposal, without having performed its steps.
How much are you willing to set aside to avoid a Life Event?