Proposal: Bill of Rights
Fails at 1-13 with 2 unresolved DEFs. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 19 Apr 2011 01:44:22 UTC
If (and only if) the proposal “Own your very own meadow” succeeds, remove the text in bold:
Each Sheep owns an amount of Land, represented as a nonnegative integer. By default, Sheep own 3 units of Land. As a weekly action, a Sheep can spend any number of Baabucks to make that many simultaneous Land Transfers; performing a Land Transfer transfers 1 unit of Land from a Sheep to another Sheep, with the Sheep making the transfer choosing the target and destination of the transfer. (It is legal to choose different sources and/or targets for different transfers in a group of transfers made this way, or to choose the same source and target every time.)
A Sheep who owns no Land may not perform daily or weekly actions defined by dynastic rules other than this one.
As you start with three, it seems fine to me to punish non-landowning sheep.