Declaration of Victory: Blatant dynastic/core rule interaction scamming
passes 6-5 (note that bucky’s vote is invalid and Roujo’s DEF is as well)
Adminned at 25 Apr 2010 11:49:58 UTC
Per the rule “Victory”, I have achieved victory.
Multiple technicalities here: a story post with “dance” in its title is a Dance, even if disguised as something else; Dances are official posts; the only restriction on altering official posts are that they have no comments (“If no Colonist has commented on it, an official post may be altered or removed by its author; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset.”); Dances are created open, and that one requested (and provided a mechanism for) voting, so it was open for voting (“After a dance has been called, the dance is considered to be open”); and a proposal that was open for voting for 48 hours times out, even if it wasn’t a proposal for all that time (just as long as it was open for voting for all that time). Thanks Ienpw for providing the second FOR vote that it required, and for adminning it.
ais523: Custodian
Explicit author