Call for Judgment: blognomic.ruleset.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds(“Bizome Blvd”)
Timed out, 5 votes to 1. Enacted by TyGuy6.
Following instructions to “close it by decreasing the Bucks of the Top Bidder by the number in the Top Bid, and making that Bidder the Seller of the House being Auctioned in the Post” would be impossible for the supposed Auction, as there are no Valid Bids, and therefore no Top Bid. This CfJ had no effect, other than upholding two wiki edits which had not been challenged.
Adminned at 31 Oct 2021 05:48:33 UTC
Considering all bids on the following Auction not to be Valid Bids, close the following Auction:
Then, uphold the following two edits made to the Gamestate: and
Well, Bizome Blvd can only contain 10 house, and Raven has created a house on the 31st, and Silverwing made an auction out of the nonexistent house.
This assumes House 31 has never, and never existed.
So, do you want to close it, as in, giving someone the House, or as in, an admin removing it from view?