Your official source for Blognomic politics.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Qapmoc: Idle
Now then people, you cannot start to believe in this heretic. If elected I will make sure that the next dynasty of this great blognomic will be just as brilliant as past times.
Darknight: he/him
My fellow members, if I’m elected I can promise you a dynasty that you will remember for a long time.
Devenger: Idle
Devenger will continue to take no actions to increase or decrease his Supporters. He will select which candidate he pledges his 100 supporters to using a GNDT roll the day before the supporters are tallied up.
Oze: Idle
People of Blognomic, the World. I do not wish to win this dynasty!
Rodlen: Idle
My friends, I believe. I believe in an evil dictatorship led by me. I believe in an army of mutant soldiers. Led by me, of course.
Oze: Idle
Been brainwashed by Rodlen? Been confused by Qapmoc? Been indoctrinated by Darknight? Follow arthexis, the only candidate who doesn’t use mind tricks to earn supporters. ALL HAIL ARTHEXIS! WE WILL DO WHATEVER YOU SAY…
Oze: Idle
Postscript: Sorry Rodlen, now I see that you too are supporting arthexis! ALL HAIL! etc…
arthexis: he/himIdle
Thanks my faithful supporters! I’ve always been consistent on my actions and policies and will not let you down this time either!
Oze: Idle
I congratulate the Blognomic News Channel on being a good, neutral and unbiased reflector of the opinions of the people of Blognomic.
Rodlen: Idle
I, Rodlen, commander of the DDA, and king of evil, support Arthexis! MWA HA HA! HE is easy to manipulate!
Amnistar: he/himIdle
I support Rodlen’s ideals of electing an easily manipulated candidate.
arthexis: he/himIdle
I urge all Candidates that are still endorsing themselves to pick one of the ‘mayor’ candidates in the upcoming election: together we can make a difference!
Darknight: he/him
I second art’s call. Election day is one month away. Make your voice heard, support your local ‘Mayor’, I belive in typos, candidates. art, qap and myself will see you at the polls.
Oze: Idle
I believe that the two major contenders in this election are arthexis and Darknight.
Darknight: he/him
well my count has me in the lead by only 2 points over art but qap has the third most and both he and ambi entered the debate so it can get alot closer.
arthexis: he/himIdle
As everybody knows, I am committed to addressing the needs of all my fellow Candidates. As soon as I have a proposal slot available, I’ll make a proposal that addresses Bucky’s request to get more use out our money. It’s a shame my competitors do not listen to this kinds of requests from their peers…
Oze: Idle
I congratulate arthexis on his readiness to make Blognomic a better place to live.
arthexis: he/himIdle
When I’m elected, As a daily action an Intelligence may modify its Relativistic Timeframe (RT) increasing it or decreasing it by one unit. The timeframe for this action is considered Absolute.
Bucky: Idle
I encourage anyone who has not already looked at Qapmoc’s latest proposal to do so; It is an important issue that will lead directly to a messy CfJ if it isn’t addressed immediately.
Qapmoc: Idle
And the current issue Ambi Valent has brought up may have some interesting properties
arthexis: he/himIdle
When I’m elected, When the total Entropy of all Intelligences together, which is known as Total Entropy, is equal to or greater than 80 times Quorum, the Universe Ends. No action may cause the Total Entropy to decrease.
Ambi Valent: Idle
First: Wouldn’t total entropy decrease by intelligences leaving?
Second: As for my proposal and Arthexis’ followup: Yet another idea would be introducing an explicit RECYCLE vote. The one who made the proposal would then vote RECYCLE to self-kill it, and it could only be taken out of the queue if the majority of votes on this proposal are either YES or RECYCLE. That should prevent people self-killing proposals only to avoid crushing defeat.
Third: I have some basic idea of Arthexis’ dynasty idea, but I don’t know Qapmoc’s or Darknight’s. I haven’t decided yet whether to support one of the three, or try to get my own idea through.
Bucky: Idle
VETO used to be an instant-fail way back when, and it didn’t lead to any major problems.
Qapmoc: Idle
When I’m elected, Qapmoc may at any time achieve victory. No other Candidate may achieve victory. If this rule contradicts Rule 1.9 “Victory and Ascension”, this rule takes precedence.
Darknight: he/him
Maybe true but never count out your opponent till the race is truely over. I wish art the best of luck in this last month
Ambi Valent: Idle
I recently switched to Darknight, and he’s in the lead. But if I were to switch back to Qapmoc, or to Arthexis, they would be in the lead.
I would really like to know more about the dynasties they plan, and whether they’d be nicer than this dynasty. If no one can convince me, I might just try it on my own.
Darknight: he/him
I sent you a pm ambi. I want to keep my idea somewhat of a suprise to everyone else lol so its all in the pm
Darknight: he/him
then again, the last debate could use dynasty plans as the topic lol
arthexis: he/himIdle
When I’m elected, All Intelligences have an attribute named Entropy, which determines how much useful thermodynamic energy has been wasted by that Intelligence. When the Universe Ends, the Intelligence with the lowest entropy achieves victory.
arthexis: he/himIdle
I won’t keep it secret: My dynasty will be based on Isaac Asimov’s short story: The Last Question.
Qapmoc: Idle
When I’m elected, Only Qapmoc may submit new Proposals and all Proposals submitted by Qapmoc Pass instantly. Only Qapmoc may raise new CfJs and all CfJs raised by Qapmoc pass instantly. If this rule contradicts any rule in Section 1 “Core Rules”, this rule takes precedence.
arthexis: he/himIdle
If my followers also like the Dragon-themed dynasty I’ll switch my support to Darknight, for I am one that listens to the voice of the people.
Bucky: Idle
Due to Qapmoc’s highly suspect campaign promises, I no longer consider em a serious contender.
Qapmoc: Idle
When I’m elected, Bucky shall be set to idle. Bucky shall not be able to change eir name. Only Qapmoc may unidle Bucky. If Qapmoc is not an Admin, Bucky cannot be unidled.
Darknight: he/him
Ok now things are going abit far qap. That would not be fair at all. Granted right now I don’t think your gonna win but if by some chance you do the agendas you’ve got would make the game just awful to play. May I ask, simply….. why?
Bucky: Idle
When I’m elected, Any Candidate may repeal this Rule at any time.
Qapmoc: Idle
When I’m elected, If Bucky is not idle then Bucky may, at any time, request a change of the colour scheme of blognomic.
Bucky: Idle
A fat lot of compensation that is, given that (a)I could ask for a color change at any time anyway, and (b)I’m defined by your previous rule as always being idle.
Darknight: he/him
Heh, I could be mean and plant an agenda rule down on qap for him making things rough on bucky. But I won’t….. for now lol
Darknight: he/him
When I’m elected, no one can make a rule that prevents anyone from being able to play blognomic. This includes making someone go and stay idle, not being able to make proposals or make a CfJ or DoV.
Bucky: Idle
Darknight, keep in mind the ban clause of Rule 1.2: “A single person may not control more than one Candidates within BlogNomic. If anybody is suspected of controlling more than one Candidate, then a Proposal may be made to remove any number of such Candidate from the game, and to bar the perpetrator from rejoining. ” There is currently one former Candidate banned under this clause.
Darknight: he/him
whoops. The why I was trying to word that was to keep things like what qap put down from happening. Feel free to get rid of it.
Darknight: he/him
When I’m elected, none of Darknight’s agendas have any effect.
Darknight: he/him
Hold on, wouldn’t the agenda rule be repeled before the rest of its affect happens?
Bucky: Idle
Darknight, I’ve just proposed a way for you to fix your Intentions.
Bucky: Idle
I intend to moderate the debate in a manner that, while fair, also helps my party out. In that interest, I will refund the entry cost of the debate to any current Darknight supporters (i.e. Ambi, Clucky, Darknight or Oze) who participate.
arthexis: he/himIdle
Ladies and Gentleman of Blognomic: I promise that if I win this dynasty, all those who voted for me will get double everything on whatever we have on the next one!