Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Proposal: Bread and Bounties

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2023 18:04:57 UTC

Rename the “Beadworks” Facility to “Breadworks” and change its Function to “You gain two Baubles. Each other Machinist in the System of Dwelling gains one Bauble. Increase Order by 1.”

If a Facility exists called Steerage Override, change its function to “Pay a number of Valves equal to the number of Locations in the Destination list to add your choice of Location to the top of the Destination list.”

In the rule “Damage and Repair”, change “A Machinist may Repair the megasystem they inhabit: they pay 1 of a Component to delete one of that type from its Damaged Parts, add the details to a new Repair Log entry and increase their Baubles by 3.” to “A Machinist may Repair the megasystem they inhabit: they pay 1 of a Component to delete one of that type from its Damaged Parts and add the details to a new Repair Log entry.”

Create two new Facilities with the following details:

System of Dwelling || Machinist Compensation Office || 0 || DORMANT || In each Repair Log, remove all entries listing dates more than 2 days in the past and give each Machinist 5 Baubles for each removed entry bearing their name.
System of Control || Loyalty Evaluator || 0 || DORMANT || Choose one Megasystem and remove all entries from its Repair Log. The Machinist (or Machinists, if tied) whose name appears the most in the removed entries receives Valves equal to the number of removed entries their name appears in minus one. All other Machinists receive one randomly selected Component for each removed entry bearing their name.

Remove the step “Randomly pick a Component and add one of that Component to each Machinist’s Components.” from the atomic action in “Time’s Passage”.

facilities are interesting to me, and i’d like to see them utilised more! here are some changes to make a couple of existing ones more interesting, and a couple of new ones on top of that. these new Facilities replace the automatic payout for doing repairs with two reward systems: one where your fellow humans repay you with money, and another where the Machine rewards you with either components so you can keep doing your job, or a wealth of Valves (the resource used to influence the Machine directly) as a sign of trust! to make this work economically, and in the light of the new Facilities Bucky proposed, this also removes the free daily component.



01-08-2023 02:14:37 UTC

If this Steerage Override change goes forward I’m going to propose another Facility closer to the original function. Probably better for this to make a completely new facility, in that case.


01-08-2023 04:43:38 UTC

for This appears to be excessively generous to me in particular.

lemon: she/her

01-08-2023 04:58:54 UTC

well, you have been repairing me more than anyone else so far, so i’m inclined to reward that! :U

SingularByte: he/him

01-08-2023 05:22:41 UTC

against  It seems bizarre to wipe the repair log entirely. It’d be different if there was a check-mark to say if you’d been paid for it, but another thing for the whole log to be trivially deleted in a single action.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-08-2023 05:30:29 UTC

against Agreed with SingularByte. If you’re wiping the Repair Log as a way of “remembering” who was paid out for repairs, then use another variable like “Paid” as part of each Repair Log entry.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-08-2023 05:30:47 UTC

Rather than wiping the Log, I meant to say.

lemon: she/her

01-08-2023 06:09:26 UTC

y’all, we’re already swimming in variables!! i think a version of cashing in repairs that removes text from the gamestate tracking page is much more practical than an implentation that adds even more text and table columns, at this point :0

SingularByte: he/him

01-08-2023 06:32:24 UTC

Then I’ll have to state it as openly as I can.

One of my agendas requires, in part, me to have a number of Repair Logs under some condition. One of these facilities lets anybody delete all of my progress in a single action with no real cost.

One of my agendas requires, in part, me to ensure that the facility has enough power to do so at all times, thereby always leaving the option open to delete said progress. In addition, by using it to stop agenda 1, they also bring me further from completing this agenda too.

Agenda 3 is a dud, requiring me to essentially wait for people to stumble into completing it.

Please be careful about making proposals as an emperor that can knock a player out of the game, and throwing your weight behind it.

lemon: she/her

01-08-2023 07:32:53 UTC

i’m communicating further about this with SingularByte in private; for everyone else’s information, rest assured, i am keeping players’ agendas in mind and being careful about them!! if you do think i’m trampling over your agenda, consider privately messaging me about it.

remember: “Machinists may never disclose, implicitly or explicitly, publicly or privately, their Agendas, except where explicitly required for the Declaration of Victory.”

Kevan: he/him

01-08-2023 07:37:43 UTC

[Lemon] Is that reminder a caution that you consider SingularByte’s statements of “One of my agendas requires, in part” to have broken that rule, or to be dangerously close to it?

SingularByte: he/him

01-08-2023 08:18:35 UTC

My argument on whether it counts as an implicit disclosure is that the rule makes no say of whether revealing them in part is illegal, just the agenda itself (implicitly or otherwise). So long I don’t give enough information for anyone to know which one I’m referring to, I should be good.

Especially given that there’s a limited list of subjects that agendas can even be about in the first place.

Kevan: he/him

01-08-2023 15:18:14 UTC

against for the pivot to the Great Machine now being “inclined to reward” certain actions retrospectively, and some sympathy for another player’s goals being seemingly trashed.

Also “Beadworks” is a better name.