Friday, January 24, 2025

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Secret Schemes

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2025 19:45:34 UTC

If the Proposal “No Pressure” was enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

Copy the rule “Virtual Actions” from the Building Blocks wiki page to a subrule of the same name in the “Building Blocks” rule.

In the rule “Heists {I}”, replace the text “can attempt to perform that action by, in a single Dice Roller comment, specifying the action they want to attempt and rolling DICE48” with the following:

can, as a Virtual Action, communicate that Heist Action to the Mastermind on the same team, specifying the details of that Heist Action and optionally any ordering of that action with respect to other Heist Actions communicated to that Mastermind by Participants on the same team. When resolving Heist Actions that they have received, a Mastermind should change the order in which they are resolved based on the request made by the Participants sending those orders if there are any such requests for ordering.

To resolve each Heist Action that they have received, which is considered an attempt at that Heist Action, the Mastermind resolving that action must specify that Heist Action and the Participant who requested that action in a single Dice Roller comment and roll DICE48. After resolving a Heist Action, the Mastermind who resolved that action may choose to defer resolving any further Heist Actions until a later time of their choosing.

In the rule “Teams and Targets {I}”, add the following to the end of that rule as a separate paragraph:

Whenever a Mastermind’s Target changes, any Virtual Actions received by that Mastermind that are still pending at that moment are instead considered canceled.

An alternate idea for resolving the need for live timing competitions.



24-01-2025 18:34:58 UTC

Not a fan of my Mastermind getting a unilateral veto for any Heist Actions I would like to perform. Will most likely be against this

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 18:49:34 UTC

If that’s the only sticking point, I can remove that. I was concerned about the case where, when the Mastermind was ready to process Heist Actions, the situation had changed such that the Mastermind might need to resolve the actions in a different order.

It would be unfortunate if the Participants had planned for a scenario and then the other team made changes that require adjustment to the plan, but the Mastermind’s hands were tied by the requests. Maybe that’s an acceptable risk to putting in orders ahead of time?

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 18:52:44 UTC

Ok, I removed the bit about the Mastermind being able to change the ordering of Heist Actions.

I kept the part about the Mastermind being able to stop resolving further Heist Actions mainly because if one of them fails, processing the rest might not make any sense if they are dependent on each one passing (which is highly likely).

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 18:54:39 UTC

I also made sure that deferring further Heist Actions is only allowed when one of them fails, which is the scenario I mentioned above. A successful Heist Action should allow the next one to be processed immediately.

SingularByte: he/him

24-01-2025 19:23:42 UTC

Is there any harm in having both as options? Sometimes you want to use the heist action quickly (such as granting roles, or doing setup steps) so that the cooldown comes faster, while other times you want a coordinated barrage.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 19:52:03 UTC

Probably no harm. I removed the “failed” bit. We will see if that’s giving too much power to the Mastermind for Habanero’s liking.


25-01-2025 00:17:04 UTC

for I prefer this to the “No Pressure” solution.


25-01-2025 00:51:58 UTC

against per the concern I mentioned earlier. If I’m attempting to retire for victory (in some hypothetical future world where you need to retire to win), what’s stopping my Mastermind from simply refusing to resolve my Heist Action because they’re working with someone else? In general I don’t think letting the Mastermind decide whether your action goes through or not is a good idea. This also breaks stealing other people’s consciousnesses (why would a Mastermind on the opposing team process a heist action that’s against their interests?)

I’d support this in addition to, rather than replacing, normally done Heist Actions though.

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 01:11:29 UTC

@Habanero, would you accept a patch instead? I noticed you didn’t vote for “No Pressure” either, meaning that if it were up to you, there would be no solution to the issue that the current mechanics require competitive teams to all be online and ready to execute Heist Actions in near-realtime.

I think this is a real problem with the dynastic pacing that requires some sort of solution, otherwise burnout will lead to more people dropping. If not this, and not the 4-hour block between Heist Actions of “No Pressure”, then what?


25-01-2025 01:14:16 UTC

I think the ideal solution would be this, plus you can still do heist actions normally if you want. I’m ok with No Pressure though and will probably vote for that one eventually

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 01:19:20 UTC

Also, I don’t think that leaving the normally done Heist Actions in place will be satisfactory. A competitive team will simply opt for that and perform their actions in real time, while the other team might try for Virtual Actions and get left behind. Once it’s determined to be the optimal solution, we’re back where we started with no improvement in the pacing.

Two points regarding your issues:

1) “what’s stopping my Mastermind from simply refusing to resolve my Heist Action” - there are other ways a Mastermind can mess with your ability to achieve victory already. The “Oversight” rule allowing a Mastermind to revert the Heist Action of someone on their Team has been there for quite some time now with no complaints. If you really want to shut down this possibility, there’s a lot more to do than vote this Proposal down.

2) No one has used Stealing Consciousness at all yet. If this is a mechanic that we truly want to keep viable, we could figure out a patch to let it continue working. I don’t think it’s a sufficient reason alone to reject the whole idea.


25-01-2025 01:35:30 UTC

Right, but I can declare victory immediately after retiring and before the Mastermind in question gets a chance to revert my retirement. I just think a unilateral veto is really against all of our non-Mastermind interests here, and Oversight’s “a Mastermind can revert a one Heist Action from their team by spending their own Heist Action, and also you can stop them from doing this by corrupting the rule with a single Tools of the Trade of your own” is significantly less power in the hands of Masterminds than “a Mastermind may without limitation reject any and all Heist Actions from their team without even giving those actions a chance to see the light of day”.

The victory example and the consciousness stealing are just two out of infinitely many ways this could screw us over and consolidate power in the Masterminds (I understand they can’t win, but they still are active players in the dynastic game with interests of their own).

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 01:51:12 UTC

It feels like it might be a good idea to add something to the Coregency rule that the Masterminds should act in the best interests of their Team over their own interests, or something to that effect. Still doesn’t address the conscious stealing, and honestly I’d just get rid of that one since the route to Targets has not required it.


25-01-2025 02:46:59 UTC

I think players should be able to a) act directly or b) act via either Mastermind as a virtual action (presumably with fixes so that players can only reorder their actions if they’re on the same team). That said, I think that can be done in a follow-up proposal (but due to the way the queue works, it doesn’t make much sense to write it until we get a good idea of whether this is passing or failing).

SingularByte: he/him

25-01-2025 02:47:06 UTC

against In favour of my own version. Trying to keep both sides happy won’t work since there’s legitimate upsides and downsides to immediate actions compared to delayed actions.

It seems more productive to just let people pick which one they prefer on a per-action basis, with delayed actions having significant enough upsides that it should be essentially seen as the default.

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 05:41:27 UTC

I do like your version, thank you for that. I think I’ll leave this up just in case people wind up liking it more, but I have a feeling yours will be more acceptable.

Josh: he/they

25-01-2025 09:29:53 UTC


Brendan: he/him

25-01-2025 13:04:52 UTC

against But truly appreciate the labor of writing this up, it’s not a bad idea at all.

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 19:43:22 UTC

Thanks for the kind words! Part of my enjoyment of BlogNomic is crafting Proposals, so it’s never a bad thing for me, even when they fail. That’s why I’m usually quick to withdraw when I see that I’ve missed the mark.

Most of my pushback is me just trying to figure out where I went wrong and what I’m missing when assessing what will be acceptable to other people. It’s never going to be perfect, and I know that.

JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 19:43:40 UTC

Speaking of which, withdrawn.  against