Proposal: But I don’t wanna!
Reaches 1-7 and is therefore unpopular - SingularByte
Adminned at 04 Sep 2022 19:03:13 UTC
Reword the rule “Labour: to the following:
Some actions are referred to as Labour Actions; these are all Atomic Actions that any Baron is able to perform . Each Baron has a publicly tracked energy, which defaults to 1. The date and time that a Baron last performed a Labour Action is a publicly tracked value, and defaults to 23:59 on the 1st of September 2022 UTC (representing that they have been accumulating Labour Actions since the start of the dynasty whether present or not).
If any Labour Actions have been performed during the current day (UTC time) by a Baron, or if that Baron has performed any Labour Actions in the last 10 hours, then that Baron may not take any Labour Actions, unless as part of their most recent Labour Action they spent exactly 1 energy.
As a daily action, when a Baron takes a non-Rest Labour Action they may spend, as part of that Labour Action, either exactly one energy or all of their energy. If a Baron Spends all of their energy as part of a Labour Action in this manner, and the amount of energy they spent was not 0 or 1, than the effects of the Labour Action that the expenditure was done as part of which is repeated equal to the number of Energy spent.
Add the following as a subrule to the rule “Labour”, named “Taking it Easy”
As a Labour Action, a Baron may perform the following atomic action, known as Rest:
-The Baron performing this action gains energy equal to the number of non-intersecting 24 hour periods there have been since the midnight (UTC) immediately following their most recent Labour Action.
Open to suggestions here, but currently storing up actions feels pretty bad due to the lack of options if you need to take a weekend off, for instance. This kind of gets rid of that if you only needed to take a day or two off, while still maintaining the inflexibility for longer periods of time.
SingularByte: he/him
The wording for this one feels a bit confusing, probably because it feels like you’re trying to do two related but mutually exclusive systems in the same proposal. It seems like it exponentially multiplies how much you get out of actions though. For example:
You take a whole week off, saving up 7 labour effect repeats.
You Rest the next day, earning 7*7 = 49 energy.
You wait another 7 days to save up another 7 labour effect repeats.
You spend it on accepting migrants, giving you (1+49)*7 = 350 uses of the accept migrants action, or 700 migrants.
Even if you would only get 49 + 7 repeats, that’s still more than the 15 you’d normally be entitled to.