Proposal: Cable Tie
Reaches quorum 5-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 23 Jul 2023 07:59:38 UTC
Remove the following text from “Initialisation”:-
If two or more of a Machinist’s own Agendas have been Fulfilled for the last 24 hours, and it has been at least 7 days since Initialisation Phase Two was repealed, that Machinist has achieved victory. A Declaration of Victory based on this rule should include the text of each of the Agendas that contributed to the victory.
Create a new rule called “Victory”:-
A Machinist’s Mastery is equal to the number of Agendas that they own which have been Fulfilled for the last 24 hours.
If a Machinist’s Mastery is at least 2, and is higher than that of every other Machinist, and if it has been at least 7 days since Initialisation Phase Two was repealed, then the Great Machine may make a blog post announcing the identity of this Machinist and listing every Agenda owned by that Machinist. Upon doing so, that Machinist achieves victory.
Changing how ties resolve. As written, if two players achieve their goals around the same time, both get to DoV and the group is free to vote a little tactically on which of those declarations gets to pass first.
This says that such a tiebreak has to be resolved within the game - and also that a player with three completed Agendas will unambiguously win against a player with only two.
SingularByte: he/him
I think I’m missing something here. How will a machinist know how many agendas their opponents have succeeded at, and whether or not they’ve successfully knocked someone down from two completed agendas down to one?
If there’s no way of a player knowing whether anyone else is at 2 mastery, they’re just going to declare victory without knowing that the rules disallow them from doing so.