Proposal: Change to rule 2.6
Failed, 10-0. Josh
Adminned at 20 Feb 2006 08:22:08 UTC
Change the title of rule 2.6 to “Demon Grog”
Change the text of rule 2.6 as follows: If a Swashbuckler is in the Crew’s Quaters then, as long as the First Mate is present , e may take a draught of grog and in so doing increase eir GPS by one; e may not consume more than one draught of grog per day, Blognomic time. The Swashbuckler with the greatest GPS may not enter the Crew’s quarters unless this Swashbuckler is First Mate. The First Mate can consume Grog in the same way as any other Swashbuckler unless he has higher GPS than the Captain in which case he may not consume grog.
Elias IX: