Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Proposal: Changing the Modus Ponen

Timed out (3-4)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 11 Aug 2006 12:52:55 UTC

At The Modus Ponen, change:

The subrule’s Requirements describe a set of game events and / or gamestates. Often, a Traveller may pick up to three different subrules, and carry out those subrules’ Actions. That Traveller specifies the order in which eir Actions are carried out. A Traveller may only carry out each of those subrule’s Actions if that subrule’s requirements are true. When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.


The subrule’s Requirements describe a set of game events and / or gamestates. Often, a Traveller may select any positive integer number “n” of different subrules, and carry out those subrules’ Actions, provided that 2*(n-3) is less than or equal to eir current Influence. For each action selected after the third, that Traveller must decrease eir Influence by 2, before carrying out any of the actions. That Traveller specifies the order in which eir Actions are carried out. A Traveller may only carry out each of those subrule’s Actions if that subrule’s requirements are true at the moment they were to be carried out. When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.



09-08-2006 13:19:45 UTC

against Unnecessarily complicated.


09-08-2006 14:59:48 UTC

for , although my proposal “Canon in T minor” was a much simpler way of saying the same thing.

Kevan: he/him

09-08-2006 15:15:21 UTC



09-08-2006 16:52:50 UTC


The Lone Amigo:

10-08-2006 11:43:17 UTC



10-08-2006 14:26:35 UTC

I think its interesting.  Where is this new-found fear of the complex comming from?

Kevan: he/him

11-08-2006 06:56:58 UTC

Elegant complexity is fine, needlessly ugly complication isn’t.

This proposal could have been worded in far more simple English along the lines of “players may take three free actions per day, and spend 2 Influence to get an extra action, any number of times” rather than the backwards awkwardness of the “2*(n-3)” formula.