Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Proposal: Chaos goggles

Vetoed. — Quirck

Adminned at 27 Sep 2012 01:23:22 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Specs:

Each Student has a pair of glasses, the colour(s) of which are tracked in the GNDT.

A Student cannot read text written in ink of the colour that matches any of the the colours of their glasses. In the case of rules that contain coloured ink, the text that is written in coloured ink does not affect any student with glasses that match the ink’s colour. In the case of posts or proposals that contain coloured ink, Students must disregard ink that they cannot see when voting or commenting.


Kevan: he/him

25-09-2012 14:33:44 UTC



25-09-2012 15:59:54 UTC

arrow  for

quirck: he/him

25-09-2012 18:25:10 UTC

imperial  arrow


25-09-2012 18:37:55 UTC

for  arrow


25-09-2012 22:51:14 UTC

against  due to no initialization and because forbidding students to read something is unenforcable.  veto  because black glasses are game breaking and can be arranged by the enacting admin on account of no initialization.

Josh: he/they

26-09-2012 07:07:30 UTC

Oh, Bucky.

No initialization was deliberate, as it prevents the mechanic from being used until it is debugged. Black Glasses are gamebreaking but as glasses are also currently impossible to make I was waiting for a future proposal to implement something specific relating to those.

But nevermind, I’ll leave proposing the mechanics for your dynasty to you in future.

Kevan: he/him

26-09-2012 09:14:51 UTC

It really needs a specific default, though, if we’re saying that everyone is definitely wearing coloured glasses at all times.

It seems safe otherwise, though - “Ink” is just defined as a property of blog posts, so there’s no way for it to exist within a rule.

Josh: he/they

26-09-2012 09:27:02 UTC

It really needs a specific default, though, if we’re saying that everyone is definitely wearing coloured glasses at all times.

I’m not certain, but I suspect that the lack of initialization is not immediately exploitable, due to the lack of a defined mechanism for how to set any value in the ruleset, and thanks to “The Ruleset and Gamestate can only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset.” But if you want to have a crack a second pass on this, be my guest.

More than anything else I’m just properly annoyed at a passing, fixable proposal being vetoed by an emperor who has so far done absolutely nothing by way of proposing mechanics or offering direction in this dynasty.

Kevan: he/him

26-09-2012 10:01:47 UTC

Actually, this looks like it might be another weakness in our definition of gamestate; the colour of my glasses is unspecified and unalterable, it is merely “tracked” in the GNDT. Since that means it’s not gamestate, I can change that colour at will in my head (it’s functionally the same, I think, as a rule that said “the colour of the socks that a player is wearing in real life is tracked in the GNDT”), and update the GNDT to reflect it.

Given that “The purpose of this [dynasty] is to teach you how to avoid a stagnant midgame such as the ones from the past few dynasties.”, maybe it’s time to propose some guidelines for our Emperor.

Josh: he/they

26-09-2012 10:05:24 UTC

Actually, this looks like it might be another weakness in our definition of gamestate; the colour of my glasses is unspecified and unalterable, it is merely “tracked” in the GNDT. Since that means it’s not gamestate, I can change that colour at will in my head (it’s functionally the same, I think, as a rule that said “the colour of the socks that a player is wearing in real life is tracked in the GNDT”), and update the GNDT to reflect it.

Fun argument. I’d like to see it tested by CfJ at some point.