Proposal: Church and Fate
Passed 7-0. Brendan
Adminned at 17 Oct 2007 11:22:51 UTC
[ Reworking Spike’s two-person church idea into the occupations system. ]
To Rule 2.1.1 (Occupations), add a subrule “Religious Occupations”:-
If a Villager has an Occupation which is listed in the “Religious” section of the linked page, then they are blessed, and any attempts of the Werewolves to target that Villager are ignored. A Villager may only adopt a Religious Occupation as a result of a Town Meeting.
Zahndorf church is the smallest in the valley, and if there are ever more than two Villagers with Religious Occupations, the Mayor may demote one of them to Peasant.
In Rule 2.1.1 (Occupations), replace “Government, Military and Sailor” with:-
Government, Military, Religious and Sailor
If any Villagers have Religious Occupations at the time of this proposal enacting, they shall be demoted to Peasant.
Brendan: he/him