Proposal: Classical Chemistry
Times out and fails at 2-7. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 17 Jul 2013 23:35:33 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Elements” and give it the following text
There are four Essential Elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Each Atom has an Alignment, tracked in the GNDT in a column called Alignment which is one of the four Essential Elements. As a weekly action, an Atom may change their Alignment. If an Atom does not have an Alignment, a DICE4 shall be rolled and their Alignment become the result of the die role indexed into the Essential Elements as listed in this rule.
There is also a GNDT column for each of the Essential Elements, which tracks the amount of Essence of that particular Element an Atom has. Essence is an integer value which is by default 0.
Forgot to make us not be atoms anymore. We can clearly change us all back to Players, but where would the fun in that be?
You are trying to merge “atoms” with the Aristotelian elements, a philosophy that he was adamantly opposed to. I’m… not sure what to think of that.